
A Complete Guide to A Level Physics (H1 & H2) in Singapore by Our Top A Level Physics Tutors

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The Complete Guide to A Level Physics in Singapore

A Level Physics is a popular subject taken at both H1 and H2 level, which makes it a competitive subject among JC students who take A Level Physics. Moreover, A Level Physics has been touted as a subject with a steep bell curve, making it hard to clinch an A in the A Levels Examinations. What’s more – with the increasingly challenging and demanding A Level Physics Curriculum involving multiple core and extension topics, A Level Physics has proven itself to be a tough subject that requires students to achieve content mastery as well as strong scientific application skills in order to ace in this subject. Before taking on the challenge of A Level Physics, we would recommend students to have scored a good grade for O Level Physics.

At MindFlex, we understand the difficulties that A Level Physics students may face with the subject’s curriculum. As such, MindFlex has compiled an ultimate guide to the A Level H1/H2 Physics syllabus in order to help every A Level Physics student prepare for the national examination. With the essential information including the exam format as well as free A Level Physics resources and tips, MindFlex believes that these materials will definitely come in handy for the A Level Physics Examination preparation and/or revision. 

1. An Overview to A Level Physics

A Level Physics is a popular and competitive subject both at H1 and H2 level due to the high demand for the subject among A Level students in the Science and/or Hybrid Stream. The A Level Physics syllabus is designed for JC students to build a strong foundational understanding of the subject as well as to hone one’s abilities with solving real-world problems and applying the relevant methodologies to answer questions. Through the syllabus, students will be able to develop skills that will be of long term value in the long run, rather than focusing on pure memorisation and factual material which might only have short term relevance.

In order to score well for A Level Physics at both H1 and H2 levels, students are expected to have a good grasp of the scientific fundamentals and are required to apply the relevant theories and concepts as they answer the questions in the papers. While there are various A Level Physics topics that are built upon the O Level Physics/IP Physics syllabus, most of the A Level Physics syllabus is still new and will require deeper critical thinking in order to tackle the paper. Given the high amount of content, fast-paced learning environment and the competitive nature of the subject, many A Level Physics students end up struggling to keep up during lectures and tutorials, resulting in students feeling overwhelmed and unmotivated.

MindFlex understands the struggles and stresses that A Level Physics students have to go through within the curriculum. MindFlex has the solution for all JC students taking H1/H2 A Level Physics! Engaging additional guidance in the form of Physics Tuition and getting a head start in the subject can help to build a good foundation in A Level Physics. This can be done through engaging a A Level Physics Tutor in a tuition centre or a MindFlex A Level Physics Home Tutor!

2. Objectives of A Level Physics

The aim of the H1/H2 A Level Physics syllabus is to provide JC students an academic route to build the relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to do well for further studies in related fields.

For both the A Level H1/H2 Physics syllabus, students are expected to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of scientific knowledge
  2. Be able to apply science inquiry skills
  3. Be able to relate to both science and society in a real-world context
  4. (H2 only) Follow detailed instructions and use techniques and apparatus required to investigate and experiment, as well as to interpret and evaluate observations and data

More information can be found under the SEAB H1 A Level Physics Syllabus and SEAB H2 A Level Physics Syllabus (H2)

3. A Level Physics Exam Format

At H1 Physics level, students are required to sit for 2 papers (Paper 1 & 2), whereas H2 Physics students are required to sit for 4 papers (Papers 1-4), inclusive of a practical examination.

A Level Physics Exam Format

Here’s a handy guide on the overview of the A Level Physics Examination Format at both H1 and H2 levels!

3.1. H1 Physics

Paper 1 (MCQ)
30 marks, 1 hour

30 multiple-choice questions relating to the core Physics material.

Paper 2 (Structured Questions)
80 marks, 2 hours
Section A: 60 marks

This section will consist of a variable number of structured questions including one or two data-based questions, all compulsory. The data-based question(s), which constitutes 15–20 marks of this section, aims to test higher order thinking skills such as handling, applying and evaluating information.

Section B: 20 marks

This section will consist of two 20-mark questions of which candidates will answer one. The questions will require candidates to integrate knowledge and understanding from different areas of the syllabus.

3.1.1 Challenges Faced in H1 Physics

Many H1 A Level Physics students struggle with the large amount of content required for mastery even though the syllabus is significantly more concise compared to that of H2 A Level Physics. With the content-heavy syllabus, many students struggle to get a good grasp and understanding of all the Physics topics, resulting in them being unable to accurately apply the relevant scientific concepts and synthesise quality answers. What’s more – with Paper 2 requiring in-depth knowledge of each Physics topic, it would get more challenging for A Level Physics students to answer higher-order thinking questions and ace the A Level Physics Examinations.

3.1.2. How To Score in H1 Physics

Despite the aforementioned challenges that many H1 Physics students face, it is still possible for students to do well in this subject! To do well in H1 Physics, students should be consistent in their learning and not leave queries or misconceptions unanswered or uncleared. With the importance of in-depth understanding of concepts, students also are encouraged to start revision early so as to fully be able to grasp and understand the relevant concepts within the A Level Physics Syllabus. If students are having issues with keeping up with the syllabus and its demands, another option is engaging an A Level Physics Tutor who would provide additional guidance for their students. Such additional academic support will provide students with a better ability to process and internalise concepts that might have been difficult for them to do so due to the fast-paced lectures taught in school.

3.2. H2 Physics

Paper 1 (MCQ)
30 marks, 1 hour

30 multiple-choice questions relating to the core Physics material.

Paper 2 (Structured Questions)
80 marks, 2 hours

This paper will consist of a variable number of structured questions plus one or two data-based questions and will include questions which require candidates to integrate knowledge and understanding from different areas of the syllabus. All questions are compulsory and answers will be written in spaces provided on the Question Paper. The data-based question(s) will constitute 20–25 marks.

Paper 3 (Longer Structured Questions)
80 marks, 2 hours
Section A (all compulsory structured questions): 60 marks
Section B (choose 1 out of 2 questions): 20 marks

Paper 4 (Practical)
55 marks, 2 hours 30 mins
Involves planning (P), manipulation, measurement and observation (MMO), presentation of data and observations (PDO) and analysis, conclusions and evaluation (ACE)

3.2.1 Challenges Faced in H2 Physics

At H2 Physics level, the difficulty of the subject is significantly higher with an additional two A Level Examination Papers that H2 Physics students have to take as compared to H1 Physics students, who only have to take on the standard two papers. The sheer amount of content students are required to master is a lot, thus making it difficult for H2 Physics A Level students to master the entire syllabus. Within the A Level Physics syllabus, students are also required to master extension topics such as Wave Motion and Electric Fields, which are more advanced topics that are hard to grasp and score in. In addition, another challenge faced by many H2 Physics students is Paper 4 – Practical of the A Level Physics Examinations. This is so as many students remain uncertain and are not confident in their abilities in conducting experiments and obtaining the accurate answer for the examination.

3.2.2. How To Score in H2 Physics

In order to ace this subject, practice and exposure is extremely crucial to ensure that students are well-versed with the H2 Physics content as well as the various question types that may appear during the examination. Hence, students are encouraged to attempt past year papers or practice questions so as to familiarise themselves with the actual examination that they will take on. Alternatively, students can also choose to engage with the Best A Level H2 Physics Tuition to ensure that students are well equipped with the essential scientific information and the relevant application skills to do well in the national examinations!

Here at MindFlex, we have a large database of over 6,000 experienced A Level Physics Tutors who have their own stash of Physics resources ranging from H2 Physics notes, Physics summary sheets and H2 Physics exam papers! Through these resources, our A Level Physics Tutors will be sure to provide students with the necessary academic guidance for students to do well for the examinations!

4. A Level Physics Tips and Resources

The A Level Physics syllabus requires absolute content mastery from students and it can often be hard to achieve due to the overwhelming amount of content within the syllabus. Additionally, the syllabus calls for a deeper understanding of the topic, in which one should regularly revise to ensure that they have a strong understanding of all the concepts within each topic. At MindFlex, we understand the struggles that many A Level Physics students face, and have thus compiled a list of tips one would need to do well for A Level Physics!

4.1. A Level Physics Tips

4.1.1. Have Good Quality Notes

Ensuring that your study material is complete before you begin revision is extremely important. By making sure that the material you have is comprehensive and coherent, it will make revision a lot less tedious. Depending on your style of learning, you can create PowerPoint slides, flashcards or even audio recordings to help you retain information. Regularly review content to improve your mastery of the subject. Good note-taking will allow for better comprehension and retention of material, making it easier for you to ace the A Level Physics examination.

4.1.2. Familiarise Yourself with Basic Equations

The A Level Physics syllabus requires one to be well-versed in the different equations as it forms the basis of most answers to exam questions. Calculations take up a huge part in A Level Physics exams. Simply memorising formulas will not be enough, as most Physics equations are rather complex. Students need to understand how each equation came about and how they work. Once you understand how each of the basic equations in Physics is derived, you will be better able to apply them to problem-solving effectively.

4.1.3. Practice Makes Perfect

As with everything else, having ample practice will allow you to retain concepts and gain confidence to handle any problems thrown your way. Past year papers are your friend! On top of making your own notes, add in past year papers to your revision routine. They will be able to give you insights on answering techniques as well as questions commonly asked. Familiarising yourself with the process continuously will give you a good idea of what to expect when the time to take the A Level Physics Examination arrives!

4.1.4. Enroll the Help of a Tutor

Engaging the help of an A Level Physics Tutor or Tuition Centre would definitely serve as an effective and additional academic platform for A Level Physics students to clarify their doubts, obtain a better grasp of the topics, and hone their application skills in time for the national examinations. As such, this will allow students to get a headstart in their learning, as well as to recap on the past topics taught in school.

At MindFlex, we are home to many dedicated and highly experienced A Level Physics Tutors that can help H1 and H2 Physics students in their academic journey and preparation for the national examinations.

4.2. A Level Physics Resources

In this section, we have compiled our top 7 resources for your child to aid him/her in their A Level Physics preparation.

4.2.1. Physics Net

Physics Net has everything you need to know about A Level Physics, displaying information in compact, easy-to-revise lists. It’s a great resource for students who need to clarify doubts regarding the curriculum, as they can easily refer to the website and cross-check information. The website is easy to maneuver and also includes a glossary of terms, so students can readily search up the definitions for words they are unsure of.

Check out Physics Net here.

Physics Net for A Level Physics

Head on to Physics Net for A Comprehensive Overview of the A Level Physics Syllabus!

4.2.2. Pearson A Level Physics Past Papers

Practicing with past papers is one of the most effective strategies to revise. By getting ample practice, you get to familiarise yourself with the format of the questions and the different answering techniques needed to ace each section. Time Management is something a lot of students struggle with when it comes to examinations so by practicing with past papers, you will be able to time yourself and keep yourself in check. Here is a list of Pearson A Level Past Physics Papers coupled with the marking scheme and examiner reports that you can practice with!

4.2.3. Revisely

Revisely has all the resources you need to score well for A Level Physics! It houses the largest collection of free revision sources from video tutorials, past papers to assorted questions! The A Level Physics video tutorials walk you through each topic and explain concepts in a concise and succinct manner. Revisely is a great website to help students revise all areas of Physics. The best part about it is that it’s completely free as well!

Check out Revisely here.

Use Revisely to aid in your revision for PSLE Physics!

Use Revisely to aid in your revision for PSLE Physics!

4.2.4. A Level Physics Key Revision Notes with Answering Techniques

This book is intended for students to gain comprehensive understanding of each topic in the A Level H2 Physics syllabus as well as gain experience with common qualitative questions, which are a source of confusion for many students. Critical problem-solving techniques are shown through worked examples to ensure students are able to fully understand the application of formulas while the many sample qualitative questions will be able to help students familiarise themselves with keywords examiners look out for. This book will greatly complement students’ own notes and further solidify understanding of the subject.

This book is great for those taking A Level Physics.

This book is great for those taking A Level Physics.

4.2.5. Cambridge International AS/A Level Physics Revision Guide 2nd Edition

This exam-centric revision guide will walk students through the content and equip you with skills needed to ace A Level Physics. Manage your own revision with this guide, as it includes commonly asked questions, common answers and examiner comments to ensure you’re exam-ready. This guide acts as a revision planner, as you will be able to pace your revision, use the tips provided to clarify any underlying doubts and learn to avoid mistakes with expert advice. Students will be able to practice their examinational skills with the exam-style questions and answers.

This book serves as a perfect guide for students taking A Level Physics!

This book serves as a perfect guide for students taking A Level Physics!

4.2.6. A Level Physics Tuition Centres

Students might still find it tough to keep up with the curriculum even with all the resources provided. This is when tuition will come in handy! With the additional help of tutors who are familiar with the syllabus, students will definitely find it much easier to cope. We understand that it might be hard to settle on the perfect tuition centre due to budget, quality and convenience, therefore, MindFlex has put together a list of the 30 Best A Level Tuition Options for H1 & H2, together with various considerations you should take note of before settling on one.

4.2.7. MindFlex A Level Physics Tutors

We understand that each student has different needs and learning abilities and classes should never be a one-fits-all. For students who still find themselves struggling to keep up with the syllabus even after group tuition, private home tuition is something they can turn to! Here at MindFlex, our Top A Level Physics Tutors tailor each class to the student’s learning needs and are able to give personalised attention, provide detailed feedback and track student’s performance. With the expert guidance of our A Level Physics Tutors, students will find themselves better equipped with the knowledge and confidence to tackle the examinations.

Request for an A Level Physics Tutor for H1 and H2 levels with MindFlex today!

5. Conclusion

Studying for the A Level Physics examination is a tough journey. However, MindFlex believes that with the correct studying methods and with enough guidance, studying for the subject can be much easier and fulfilling! Here at MindFlex, our qualified A Level Physics Tutors are able to mitigate any anxieties and worries surrounding the subject by providing light-hearted, holistic education through a variety of lesson plans catered towards the student’s learning style and weaknesses. That way, students can be assured that they are in good hands with regard to their revision and preparation for the national examination!

Discover how you can improve your Physics grades with MindFlex today!

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