A Complete Guide to A Level in Singapore
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The Complete Guide to A Level in Singapore
The Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE A-Level) examination is an annual national examination that is taken by students in Singapore. It is an important milestone for Junior College (JC) and Millennia Institute students, as it can determine the next step of the student’s educational journey and future career choice. A Levels is one of the most rigorous and tough examinations in Singapore’s education system, and many students worry about how they can pass this hurdle. Fret not, MindFlex Home Tuition has compiled the ultimate guide to the latest A Levels syllabus, including all the information you’ll need to know about A Levels in Singapore and with free resources to help A Levels students excel!
1. An Overview of the A Levels
With the rapid pace at which content is being taught in schools on top of several other challenges they face, many JC students end up struggling to keep up with the A Level Singapore syllabus. This results in lower levels of motivation, making it even harder for students to learn. This stress can be mitigated through engaging additional guidance and help early in the year, in order to build a good foundation for the A Levels examinations.
Here at MindFlex, we have over 7,000 highly experienced and qualified A Levels Tutors who are not only able to help students cope with their stress and anxiety, but can also guide them to excel in A Levels. Request for an A Levels Tutor with MindFlex today!
2. A Level Scoring System
The maximum number of rank points (RP) for university admission a student can achieve is 90 rank points.
The A Level Scoring System
Calculate your A Level Rank Points here.
Do note that with effect from 2024, the incoming JC1 batch will no longer be receiving letter grades for H1 Project Work. The subject will be graded on a Pass/Fail basis instead.
Calculation of Rank Points with H1 MTL
H1 MTL may be included in the computation of the rank points and in such events, the rank points inclusive of the H1 MTL will be rebased from /100 to /90.
3. A Level Subjects
3.1. English Language
3.1.1. H1 General Paper
Learning Objectives
The A Level Singapore General Paper syllabus assesses students’ ability to think critically, to construct cogent arguments, and to communicate ideas clearly using accurate and effective language. The A Level syllabus hopes that students can meet these learning objectives:
- Understand the world in which they live by fostering a critical awareness of continuity and change in the human experience
- Appreciate the interrelationship of ideas across disciplines
- Broaden their global outlook while enabling them to remain mindful of shared historical, social, and cultural experiences both within and beyond Singapore
- Develop maturity of thought, critical reading, and creative thinking skills
- Develop the ability to communicate clearly, accurately, and effectively
- Critically evaluate arguments and opinions
- Promote extensive and independent reading and research
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Weightage | Duration |
1 | Essay | Content: 30 Use of English: 20 Total mark: 50 | 50% | 1 hour 30 minutes |
2 | Comprehension | Content: 35 Use of English: 15 (A separate but holistic score based on the entire script) Total mark: 50 | 50% | 1 hour 30 minutes |
Total | 100 | 100% | 3 hours |
3.1.2. H2 Knowledge & Inquiry
Learning Objectives
The A Level Singapore Knowledge & Inquiry syllabus assesses student’s ability to apply their understanding of theoretical concepts and critical thinking skills, as well as engage in an independent study in an area of their interest. The learning objectives are as follows:
- Understanding the nature and construction of knowledge
- Critical thinking: the ability to analyze different kinds of arguments and information, identify and evaluate various assumptions and points of view
- Communication: the ability to structure arguments and select an appropriate style of presentation
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Weightage | Duration |
1 | Essay | 60 | 30% | 3 hours |
2 | Critical Thinking | 60 | 30% | 2 hours |
3 | Independent Study | 80 | 40% | 6 months |
Total | 200 | 100% | 3 hours |
3.1.3. H1 Project Work
Learning Objectives
The A Level Singapore Project Work syllabus assesses students’ ability to synthesize knowledge from various areas of learning, and critically and creatively apply it to real-life situations. The syllabus aims to enable students to acquire skills like collaboration, communication and independent learning so as to prepare students for lifelong learning. The A Levels syllabus have laid out the following learning objectives for students:
- Knowledge Application: apply different areas of knowledge and generate, develop, and evaluate information for the project
- Communication: communicate effectively; present ideas clearly and coherently to a specific audience in both written and oral forms
- Collaboration: acquire collaborative skills through working in a team to achieve common goals.
- Independent Learning: learn on their own, reflect on their learning and outline appropriate actions to improve it.
Examination Format
Paper (Component) | Component | Group Weightage | Individual Weightage | Total Weightage |
Paper 1 (Written) | Written Report | 40% | – | |
Insights and Reflections | – | 10% | ||
Paper 2 (Oral) | Oral Presentation | 11% | 39% | |
Total | 51% | 49% | 100% |
3.1.4. H2 English Language & Linguistics
Learning Objectives
The A Levels H2 English Language and Linguistics syllabus assesses student’s ability to analyze and evaluate the influence of contextual and cultural factors in the production and reception of the English language. The A Level syllabus hopes that students can meet these learning objectives:
- Demonstrate understanding of linguistic concepts, methods, and approaches
- Display expertise in the use of English, using appropriate terminology informed by linguistic study
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Weightage | Duration |
1 | Analysing Language | 50% | 3 hours |
2 | Investigating Language Use in Society | 50% | 3 hours |
Total | 100% | 6 hours |
3.2. Mother Tongue
Mother Tongue, H1 MTL, is a compulsory subject at the Singapore-Cambridge GCE Advanced Level (‘A’ Level) for JC1 students who did not take Higher Mother Tongue (HMT) at the O-Level examinations. If you have done HMT at O-Levels and obtained at least a D7, you will be exempted from H1 MTL.
JC1 students who have done MTL B at O-Level will continue with MTL B at A-Level. Students who have obtained a D7 for their MTL at O-Level are allowed to opt for MTL B at A-Level. As for students who have passed both MTL and MTL B at O Level, they will have to take H1 MTL at A-Level.
3.2.1. H1 Chinese Language
Learning Objectives
The A Level Singapore Chinese Language syllabus assesses student’s ability to read, write, comprehend and speak the Chinese Language. The A Level syllabus hopes that students can meet these learning objectives:
- Understand daily conversations, discussions, broadcasts and media related to life and current affairs issues and infer the underlying information
- Able to describe experiences and express opinions fluently, clearly and methodically on life and current affairs issues
- Use vocabulary and different sentences when describing experiences or expressing opinions
- Able to understand reading materials related to life and current events, and deduce implied information
- Able to read various types of texts such as magazines, newspapers, real corpora and literary texts
- Able to describe through written texts according to the topic, using quite rich vocabulary and different sentence patterns
Students are required to sit for a combined examination of 3 hours 45 minutes, consisting of essay writing, language use and comprehension, oral examination and listening comprehension. The total mark for A Levels Chinese Language examinations is 200.
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Weightage | Duration |
1 | Writing | 60 | 30% | 1 hour 30 minutes |
Comprehension | 80 | 40% | 1 hour 30 minutes | |
2 | Oral | 50 | 25% | 10-15 minutes |
Listening Comprehension | 10 | 5% | 30 minutes | |
Total | 200 | 100% | 3 hour 45 minutes |
3.2.2. H2 Chinese Language and Literature
Learning Objectives
The A Level Singapore Chinese Language and Literature syllabus hopes that students can meet these learning objectives:
- Write articles in different styles (narrative, lyrical, explanatory, and argumentative essays) according to the requirements of the topic,
- Analyze, synthesize, compare, and critique the content of different written texts and interpret the meaning of words and phrases
- Analyze and synthesize the content of everyday corpora such as newspapers, magazines, blog posts, emails, etc.
- Apply knowledge and concepts of literature to understand the content of a piece of work
- Summarize, compare, synthesize, and evaluate literary works from different perspectives
Students are required to sit for a combined examination of 6 hours 15 minutes, consisting of essay writing, language use and comprehension, and literature review. The total mark for A Level Chinese Language examinations is 200.
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Weightage | Duration |
1 | Writing | 35 | 17.5% | 1 hour 15 minutes |
Comprehension | 35 | 17.5% | 1 hour | |
2 | Comprehension | 30 | 15% | 1 hour |
Literature Review | 100 | 50% | 3 hours | |
Total | 200 | 100% | 6 hours 15 minutes |
3.2.3. H2 China Studies in Chinese
Learning Objectives
The A Level Singapore China Studies in Chinese syllabus hopes that students can meet these learning objectives:
- Apply knowledge of contemporary Chinese issues
- Discuss designated topics and their development trends
- Analyze and evaluate different viewpoints
- Construct consistent, well-founded arguments
- Interpret, analyze, and evaluate data from various sources
- Justify the recommendations and observations made
- Use data to make judgments and draw reasonable conclusions
Read more about the examination format and grading here.
3.2.4. H2 General Studies in Chinese
Learning Objectives
The A-Level Singapore General Studies in Chinese syllabus assesses the student’s general knowledge, awareness, and understanding of current affairs, as well as student’s ability to read, analyze, and discuss critically. Student will have to analyze Singapore’s public policies and international relations amongst many current and contentious issues, explore online discourse in Chinese, investigate local issues in a collaborative project.
Read more about the examination format and grading here.
3.2.5. H2 Translation (Chinese)
Learning Objectives
The A Level Singapore H2 Translation syllabus hopes that students can meet these learning objectives:
- Conduct systematic comparative analysis of Chinese and English languages
- Understand translation theory and master translation strategies
- Perform proper Chinese-English and English-Chinese translations
- Master the ability of translation criticism and appreciation
- Understand how Singapore’s unique sociolinguistic environment affects translation practice
Read more about the examination format and grading here.
3.2.6. H1 Malay Language
Learning Objectives
The A Level Singapore H1 Malay syllabus aims to measure the student’s level of achievement and proficiency in the language field. Students taking the A Level H1 Malay examination are expected to:
- Listen and understand different types of spoken texts
- Provide critical opinions and arguments for various purposes, audiences and situations
- Read and understand various print and non-print materials as well as digital materials to acquire and process information and communicate it effectively
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Weightage | Duration |
1 | Writing | 60 | 30% | 1 hour 30 minutes |
Comprehension | 80 | 40% | 1 hour 30 minutes | |
2 | Oral | 50 | 25% | 15 minutes |
Listening Comprehension | 10 | 5% | 30 minutes | |
Total | 200 | 100% | 3 hours 45 minutes |
3.2.7. H2 Malay Language and Literature
Learning Objectives
The A Level Singapore H2 Malay Language and Literature syllabus hopes that students can meet these learning objectives:
- Demonstrate understanding of the texts and provide appropriate and clear responses
- Make inferences based on the study of various texts and comment on different types of texts such as poetry, the author’s language, and so on
- Identify the content of literary texts from various genres and analyze them based on aspects of literature
- Provide analytical, critical and creative responses to literary materials
- Compare literary materials based on aspects of literature
Read more about the examination format and grading here.
3.2.8. H1 Tamil Language
Learning Objectives
The main objective of the Tamil language curriculum for university entrance, developed by the Curriculum Development Division of the Ministry of Education, is to develop the basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing along with two-way communication skills which are important skills required for the 21st century. Therefore, the Tamil language syllabus for university entrance is designed based on the following learning objectives:
- Listen and understand comments in everyday discussions, announcements, advertisements, media works and conversations on general topics
- Describe events clearly and with appropriate vocabulary, fluency and tone
- Verbally exchange ideas with examples
- Converse with sufficient fluency on common topics
- Read and understand a wide variety of literary genres such as newspaper, magazines, novels, advertisements, letters, novels, essays, etc.
- Write an essay explaining one’s experiences, feelings and concepts using appropriate vocabulary and a variety of sentence structures
- Communicate one’s ideas and feelings fluently with clear language with examples through email, letters, blogs etc.
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Weightage | Duration |
1 | Writing | 60 | 30% | 1 hour 30 minutes |
Comprehension | 80 | 40% | 1 hour 30 minutes | |
2 | Oral | 50 | 25% | 15 minutes |
Listening Comprehension | 10 | 5% | 30 minutes | |
Total | 200 | 100% | 3 hours 45 minutes |
3.3. Mathematics
3.3.1. H1 Mathematics
Learning Objectives
The H1 Mathematics Singapore A Level syllabus assesses student’s ability to understand and apply mathematical concepts and skills in a variety of problems, solve the mathematical problems, and interpret and evaluate the mathematical solutions in the context of the problems. The H1 Mathematics A Level syllabus hopes that students can meet these learning objectives:
- Acquire mathematical concepts and skills to support their tertiary studies in relevant fields
- Develop thinking, reasoning, communication and modelling skills through a mathematical approach to problem-solving
- Connect ideas within mathematics and apply mathematics in relevant contexts
- Experience and appreciate the value of mathematics in life and other disciplines
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Weightage | Duration |
1 | Pure Mathematics | 40 | 40% | 3 hours |
Probability & Statistics | 60 | 60% | ||
Total | 100 | 100% | 3 hours |
3.3.2. H2 Mathematics
Learning Objectives
The H2 Mathematics Singapore A Level syllabus assesses student’s ability to understand and apply mathematical concepts and skills in a variety of problems, solve the mathematical problems, interpret and evaluate the mathematical solutions in the context of the problems. The H2 Mathematics A Level syllabus hopes that students can meet these learning objectives:
- Acquire mathematical concepts and skills to support their tertiary studies in relevant fields
- Develop thinking, reasoning, communication and modelling skills through a mathematical approach to problem-solving
- Connect ideas within mathematics and apply mathematics in relevant contexts
- Experience and appreciate the value of mathematics in life and in other disciplines
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Weightage | Duration |
1 | Pure Mathematics | 40 | 40% | 3 hours |
2 | Pure Mathematics | 40 | 20% | 3 hours
Probability & Statistics | 60 | 30% | ||
Total | 140 | 100% | 6 hours |
3.3.4. H2 Further Mathematics
Learning Objectives
The H2 Singapore Further Mathematics A Level syllabus assesses student’s ability to understand and apply mathematical concepts and skills in a variety of problems, solve the mathematical problems, interpret, reason and communicate mathematically through forming conjectures, making deductions and constructing rigorous mathematical arguments and proofs. The H2 Further Mathematics A Level syllabus hopes that students can meet these learning objectives:
- Acquire a wider range of mathematical concepts and stronger set of mathematical skills
- Develop thinking, reasoning, communication, and modelling skills through a mathematical approach to problem-solving
- Connect ideas within mathematics and apply mathematics in the context of sciences, engineering, and other related disciplines
- Experience and appreciate the rigour and abstraction in the A Level syllabus
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Weightage | Duration |
1 | Pure Mathematics | 100 | 50% | 3 hours |
2 | Pure Mathematics | 50 | 25% | 3 hours
Probability & Statistics | 50 | 25% | ||
Total | 100 | 100% | 6 hours |
3.4. Science
3.4.1. H1 Chemistry
Learning Objectives
The H1 Chemistry A Level Singapore syllabus aims to develop scientific literacy of students through the acquisition of core chemistry knowledge and scientific thinking. Specifically, it equips students with the ability to navigate Chemistry between macroscopic phenomena, submicroscopic interactions and the symbolic representations to communicate and explain the natural world. The H1 Chemistry A Level syllabus hopes that students can meet these learning objectives:
- Develop understanding, skills, ethics and attitudes that are relevant to the Practices of Science
- Gain an experience that would develop their interest in Chemistry and build knowledge, skills and attitudes to become scientifically literate citizens
- Develop ways to explain phenomena, and approach and solve problems in chemical systems
- Demonstrate Scientific Inquiry skills
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Weightage | Duration |
1 | Multiple Choice | 30 | 33% | 1 hour |
2 | Structured and Free Response Questions | 80 | 67% | 2 hours |
Total | 110 | 100% | 3 hours |
3.4.2. H2 Chemistry
Learning Objectives
The H2 Chemistry A Level Singapore syllabus assesses students’ ability to understand and apply scientific concepts and principles. The H2 Chemistry A Level syllabus aims for students to meet these learning objectives:
- Demonstrate knowledge with understanding in relation to the Practices of Science
- Handle and apply information from a variety of sources
- Analyse and evaluate information to identify patterns, report trends, and conclusions, and draw inferences
- Evaluate and construct arguments to support hypotheses or to justify a course of action
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Weightage | Duration |
1 | Multiple Choice | 30 | 15% | 1 hour |
2 | Structured Questions | 75 | 30% | 2 hours |
3 | Free Response Questions | 80 | 35% | 2 hours |
4 | Practical | 55 | 20% | 2 hours 30 minutes |
Total | 240 | 100% | 7 hours 30 minutes |
3.4.3. H1 Biology
Learning Objectives
The H1 Biology A Level Singapore syllabus develops a seamless continuum from the O Level to the A Level. Students are expected to have knowledge and understanding of O Level Biology. The H1 Biology syllabus aims to develop scientific literacy of students through the acquisition of core chemistry knowledge and scientific thinking. The H1 Biology A Level syllabus aims for students to meet these learning objectives:
- Develop students to become scientifically literate citizens who are well- prepared for challenges in the 21st Century
- Enables students to gain understanding, skills, ethics and attitudes relevant to the practices of Science
- Address the broader questions of what is life and how life is sustained
- Demonstrate Scientific Inquiry skills
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Weightage | Duration |
1 | Multiple Choice | 30 | 33% | 1 hour |
2 | Structured and Free Response Questions | 80 | 67% | 2 hours |
Total | 110 | 100% | 3 hours |
3.4.4. H2 Biology
Learning Objectives
The H2 Biology A Level Singapore syllabus also develops a seamless continuum from the O Level to the A Level. The H2 Biology A Level syllabus goal is to lay a strong foundation of knowledge, skills and attitudes in order to prepare students for university, work and life in the future. The H2 Biology A Level syllabus aims for students to meet these learning objectives:
- Build knowledge, skills and attitudes which are necessary for further studies in related fields
- Develop students to become scientifically literate citizens who are well- prepared for challenges in the 21st Century
- Enables students to gain understanding, skills, ethics and attitudes relevant to the practices of Science
- Address the broader questions of what is life and how life is sustained
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Weightage | Duration |
1 | Multiple Choice | 30 | 15% | 1 hour |
2 | Structured Questions | 100 | 30% | 2 hours |
3 | Free Response Questions | 75 | 35% | 2 hours |
4 | Practical | 55 | 20% | 2 hours 30 minutes |
Total | 260 | 100% | 7 hours 30 minutes |
3.4.5. H1 Physics
Learning Objectives
The H1 Physics A Level Singapore syllabus exposes students to the science process skills of investigation, reasoning, analysis, and evaluation. The syllabuses also involves use of models, especially those expressed in mathematical language, to explain observations and make predictions. The H1 Physics A Level syllabus aims for students to meet these learning objectives:
- Develop students’ understanding, skills, ethics, and attitudes relevant to the practices of Science
- Increase student’s understanding in a small number of basic principles and core ideas that can be applied to explain analyze and solve problems in a variety of systems in the physical world
- Use of models that are tested through experiments and must be consistent with relevant evidences
- Awareness of the assumptions and limitations that are inherent in their use of models to replicate real world issues
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Weightage | Duration |
1 | Multiple Choice | 30 | 33% | 1 hour |
2 | Structured and Free Response Questions | 80 | 67% | 2 hours |
Total | 110 | 100% | 3 hours |
3.4.6. H2 Physics
Learning Objectives
The H2 Physics A Level Singapore syllabus exposes students to the science process skills of investigation, reasoning, analysis and evaluation, which are transferable and useful to everyday life. The syllabus also helps to develop skills like critical thinking and logical analysis, fostering a curious and inquiring mind. Students also gain the ability to solve problems and grasp complex concepts. The H2 Physics A Level syllabus aims for students to meet these learning objectives:
- Develop understanding, skills, ethics, and attitudes relevant to the practices of Science
- Increase understanding in a number of basic principles and core ideas that can be applied to explain, analyze, and solve problems in the physical world
- Demonstrate understanding of models and their usages
- Gain awareness of the assumptions and limitations that are inherent in their use of models to replicate real world issues
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Weightage | Duration |
1 | Multiple Choice | 30 | 15% | 1 hour |
2 | Structured Questions | 80 | 30% | 2 hours |
3 | Free Response Questions | 80 | 35% | 2 hours |
4 | Practical | 55 | 20% | 2 hours 30 minutes |
Total | 245 | 100% | 7 hours 30 minutes |
3.4.7. H2 Computing
The syllabus aims to develop problem-solving and computational thinking skills in students, as well as 21st Century Competencies that will help them to adapt to advancements in the field of computing and global changes impacting the workplace and society. Students will acquire fundamental knowledge in core areas of computing and draw connections to real-world problems by applying their knowledge and skills to solve a variety of authentic learning tasks. The main aims of the syllabus are to
- Acquire knowledge and understanding of core areas in computing covering concepts of algorithms, data structures, programming, databases and networks
- Develop and apply problem-solving and computational thinking skills to solve real-world problems using suitable algorithms and data structures in a web-based environment using a personal computer
- Develop (i) an appreciation of computing as a dynamic and creative field including awareness of recent developments in computer systems; and (ii) an understanding of the social, ethical, legal and economic implications of computing
- Develop attitudes and 21st Century Competencies needed to do well in computing such as inventive thinking, perseverance, collaboration, communication while striving for accuracy and thoroughness
Read more about the examination format and grading here
3.5. Humanities
3.5.1. H1 Geography
Learning Objectives
The A Level Singapore H1 Geography syllabus assesses students’ ability to demonstrate understanding, apply and evaluate geographic knowledge. The A Level H1 Geography syllabus teaches students to meet these learning objectives:
- Demonstrate understanding of geographical terms, facts, concepts, issues, phenomena, and trends
- Obtain geographical investigation skills and understand the merits and limitations of methods used
- Construct explanations to show how geographical knowledge is understood in particular contexts
- Apply geographical knowledge and understanding to interpret and analyse different types of geographical data
- Apply relevant geographical knowledge, understanding, skills and methods to carry out investigations in unseen contexts
- Demonstrate critical thinking by evaluating different types of geographical data, methods of data collection and analysis and drawing conclusions
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Duration |
1 | Section A: Data Response Question (25 marks) Section B: Data Response Question (25 marks) Section C: Structured Essay Question (50 marks) | 100 | 3 hours |
Total | 100 | 3 hours |
3.5.2. H2 Geography
Learning Objectives
The A Level Singapore H2 Geography syllabus also assesses students’ ability to demonstrate understanding, apply and evaluate geographic knowledge The A Level H2 Geography syllabus hopes that students can meet these learning objectives:
- Demonstrate understanding of geographical terms, facts, concepts, issues, phenomena, and trends
- Obtain geographical investigation skills and understand the merits and limitations of methods used
- Construct explanations to show how geographical knowledge is understood in particular contexts
- Apply geographical knowledge and understanding to interpret and analyse different types of geographical data
- Apply relevant geographical knowledge, understanding, skills and methods to carry out investigations in unseen contexts
- Demonstrate critical thinking by evaluating different types of geographical data, methods of data collection and analysis and drawing conclusions
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Weightage | Duration |
1 | Structured Essay Questions | 96 | 50% | 3 hours |
2 | Data Response Questions | 100 | 50% | 3 hours |
Total | 196 | 100% | 3 hours |
3.5.3. H1 History
Learning Objectives
The A Level Singapore H1 History syllabus assesses students’ ability to demonstrate historical knowledge and understanding. Students are taught to interpret, critically analyse, and evaluate sources. The A Level H1 History syllabus hopes that students can meet these learning objectives:
- Select and deploy historical knowledge appropriately, and communicate historical knowledge and understanding in a clear and effective manner
- Construct historical explanations that demonstrate an understanding of historical concepts and issues within a historical period
- Make judgements and reach conclusions based on reasoned consideration of historical evidence and interpretations
- Interpret, evaluate and use source materials in context as historical evidence
- Make judgements and reach conclusions based on reasoned consideration of historical sources
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Duration |
1 | Section A: Source-Based Case Study (40 marks) Section B: Essay (60 marks) | 100 | 3 hours |
Total | 100 | 3 hours |
The Cold War and the Modern World (1945–2000)
- Theme I: Understanding the Cold War, 1945–1991 (source-based case study)
- Theme II: The Cold War and Asia, 1945–1991
- Theme III: The Cold War and the United Nations, 1945–2000
3.5.4. H2 History
Learning Objectives
The A Level Singapore H2 History syllabus assesses student’s ability to demonstrate historical knowledge and understanding. Students are taught to interpret, critically analyse, and evaluate sources. The A Level H2 History syllabus hopes that students can meet these learning objectives:
- Select and deploy historical knowledge appropriately, and communicate historical knowledge and understanding in a clear and effective manner
- Construct historical explanations that demonstrate an understanding of historical concepts and issues within a historical period
- Make judgements and reach conclusions based on reasoned consideration of historical evidence and interpretations
- Interpret, evaluate and use source materials in context as historical evidence
- Make judgements and reach conclusions based on reasoned consideration of historical sources
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Weightage | Duration |
1 | Section A: Source-Based Case Study (40 marks) Section B: Essay (60 marks) | 100 | 50% | 3 hours |
2 | Section A: Source-Based Case Study (40 marks) Section B: Essay (60 marks) | 100 | 50% | 3 hours |
Total | 200 | 100% | 3 hours |
Paper 1: Shaping the International Order (1945–2000)
- Theme I: Understanding the Cold War, 1945–1991 (source-based case study)
- Theme II: Understanding the Global Economy, 1945–2000
- Theme III: Safeguarding International Peace and Security
Paper 2: The Making of Independent Southeast Asia (Independence–2000)
- Theme I: Search for Political Stability
- Theme II: Economic Development after Independence
- Theme III: Regional Conflicts and Cooperation (source-based case study)
3.5.5. Literature in English
Learning Objectives
The A Level Singapore H1 Literature syllabus assesses student’s ability to critically analyse and evaluate literary texts. The A Level H1 Literature syllabus hopes that students can meet these learning objectives:
- Make informed personal and critical responses to the texts, exploring connections between texts where appropriate, and account for their responses
- Demonstrate how the literary context of the text informs their understanding of the text
- Critically analyse and evaluate ways in which writers’ choices of form, structure and language shape meanings
- Clearly communicate the knowledge, understanding and insights appropriate to literary study
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Weightage | Duration |
1 | Reading Literature | 100 | 100% | 3 hours |
Total | 100 | 100% | 3 hours |
3.5.6. H2 Literature in English
Learning Objectives
The A Level Singapore H2 Literature syllabus assesses student’s ability to critically analyse and evaluate literary texts. The A Level H2 Literature syllabus hopes that students can meet these learning objectives:
- Make informed personal and critical responses to the texts, explore connections between texts where appropriate, and account for their own responses
- Demonstrate how the literary context of the text informs their understanding of the text
- Critically analyse and evaluate ways in which writers’ choices of form, structure and language shape meanings
- Clearly communicate the knowledge, understanding and insights appropriate to literary study
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Weightage | Duration |
1 | Reading Literature | 100 | 50% | 3 hours |
2 | The English Renaissance | 100 | 50% | 3 hours |
The Mind and Self in Literature | 100 | 50% | 3 hours | |
Total | 200 | 100% | 6 hours |
Paper 1:
Mary Shelley: Frankenstein (1831 text)
F Scott Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby
Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice
Kazuo Ishiguro: An Artist of the Floating World
William Shakespeare: Measure for Measure
George Bernard Shaw: Saint Joan
Arthur Miller: Playing for Time (stage play version)
Timberlake Wertenbaker: Our Country’s Good
Paper 2:
Andrew Marvell: selection of poems (see list in Appendix A)
Sir Philip Sidney: selection of sonnets from ‘Astrophil and Stella’ (see list in Appendix A) Francis Bacon: selection of prose (see list in Appendix A)
Thomas Kyd: The Spanish Tragedy
Christopher Marlowe: Doctor Faustus (A-Text)
Thomas Middleton: Women Beware Women
William Shakespeare: The Tempest
Ben Jonson: Volpone
John Donne: selection of poems and prose (see list in Appendix A)
Paper 3:
Sylvia Plath: selection of poems from Ariel (see list in Appendix A)
William Wordsworth: The Prelude, Book One & Book Two (1805 version)
James Joyce: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
J M Coetzee: Age of Iron
Pat Barker: Regeneration
Edward Albee: Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
William Shakespeare: Hamlet
Elizabeth Jennings: selection of poems from Selected Poems (Carcanet edition) (see list in Appendix A) (Please note that the selection is different from the one examined from 2018–2020.)
Harold Pinter: The Caretaker
3.5.7. H1 Economics
Learning Objectives
The A Level Singapore H1 Economics syllabus assesses students’ ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of economic concepts, theories and principles. The A Level H1 Economics syllabus hopes that students can meet these learning objectives:
- Interpret economic information presented in textual, numerical or graphical form
- Make valid inferences from information presented and evaluate the reliability of information given
- Apply relevant economics concepts, theories and principles to analyse contemporary issues, perspectives and policy choices
- Recognise unstated assumptions and evaluate their relevance
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Duration |
1 | Case Studies | 90 | 3 hours |
Total | 90 | 3 hours |
3.5.8. H2 Economics
Learning Objectives
The A Level Singapore H2 Economics syllabus assesses students’ ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of economic concepts, theories and principles. The A Level H2 Economics syllabus hopes that students can meet these learning objectives:
- Interpret economic information presented in textual, numerical or graphical form
- Make valid inferences from information presented and evaluate the reliability of information given
- Apply relevant economics concepts, theories and principles to analyse contemporary issues, perspectives and policy choices
- Recognise unstated assumptions and evaluate their relevance
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Weightage | Duration |
1 | Case Studies | 60 | 40% | 2 hours 15 minutes |
2 | Essays | 75 | 60% | 2 hours 15 minutes |
Total | 135 | 100% | 4 hours 30 minutes |
3.5.9. H1 China Studies in English
Learning Objectives
The A Level Singapore H1 China Studies in English syllabus assesses students’ ability to examine key issues relevant to contemporary China. The A Level H1 China Studies in Chinese syllabus hopes that students can meet these learning objectives:
- Demonstrate knowledge of issues in contemporary China and their relevant dimensions
- Critically examine issues and developments
- Analyse and evaluate different perspectives
- Construct coherent and substantiated arguments
- Make judgements and reach conclusions based on reasoned consideration of issues
- Interpret, analyse and evaluate information from a range of sources
- Postulate outcomes and developments based on given information
- Justify opinions and recommendations
- Make judgements and reach conclusions based on reasoned consideration of information
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Weightage | Duration |
1 | Case Studies | 30 | 37.5% | 3 hours |
Essay Questions | 50 | 62.5% | ||
Total | 80 | 100% | 3 hours |
3.5.10. H2 China Studies in English
Learning Objectives
The A Level Singapore H2 China Studies in English syllabus assesses students’ ability to examine key issues relevant to contemporary China. The H2 A Level China Studies in Chinese syllabus hopes that students can meet these learning objectives:
- Demonstrate knowledge of issues in contemporary China and their relevant dimensions
- Critically examine issues and developments
- Analyse and evaluate different perspectives
- Construct coherent and substantiated arguments
- Make judgements and reach conclusions based on reasoned consideration of issues
- Interpret, analyse and evaluate information from a range of sources
- Postulate outcomes and developments based on given information
- Justify opinions and recommendations
- Make judgements and reach conclusions based on reasoned consideration of information
Examination Format
Paper | Component | Marks | Weightage | Duration |
1 | Case Studies | 30 | 20% | 1 hour 30 minutes |
2 | Essays | 75 | 50% | 2 hours 15 minutes |
3 | Independent Study | 45 | 30% | 6 months |
Total | 150 | 100% | 3 hours 45 minutes |
3.5.11. H2 Management of Business
Learning Objectives
The subject seeks to develop students’ knowledge of business activities and the skills necessary to make well-reasoned business decisions that will create value for stakeholders. As students learn to make well-reasoned business decisions, students will develop analytical, evaluative and communication skills, as well as critical and innovative thinking skills.
The syllabus seeks to develop in students an understanding of
- The environment in which businesses operate
- The role of business in creating value for stakeholders
- The decision-making process, taking into consideration perspectives of stakeholders, ethical concerns, and external factors such as political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, legal and ecological factors
- The importance of the four business functions and their activities, specifically marketing of products and managing of people, operations and finance, to support the business in value creation
- The tools to analyze the internal and external business environment
- The interrelationships among the four business functions
- Strategic management to gain and sustain long-term competitive advantage
Read more about the examination format and grading here.
3.5.12. H2 Principles of Accounting (POA)
Learning Objectives
The syllabus places emphasis on developing students to become users of accounting information, knowledge and skills that will be valuable in any field of work or life. It is also recognised that the knowledge and skills in preparing and presenting accounting information are valuable and worth acquiring. Candidates are expected to:
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of accounting principles and practices related to the representation, measurement and presentation of business economic activities
- Select and apply relevant knowledge and understanding of accounting to given scenarios
- Analyze, interpret, organize, synthesize accounting information appropriately, and communicate it in a clear and coherent manner
- Evaluate accounting information to make informed judgements, recommendations or decisions
Read more about the examination format and grading here.
3.6. H3 Subjects
3.6.1. H3 Chinese Language and Literature
Learning Objectives
The H3 Chinese Language and Literature syllabus aims to deepen the students’ language proficiency, literary skills and cultural knowledge in Chinese. The syllabus nurtures students to be cultural transmitters and Asian literature advocates with a deep understanding of Chinese languages, cultures, values and ethos. The A Level H3 Chinese Language and Literature syllabus hopes that students can meet these learning objectives:
- Communicate persuasively and effectively in Chinese by deepening their language skills
- Gain exposure to contemporary prose and authentic texts
- Develop higher order thinking skills and improve Chinese proficiency by analyzing texts through multidimensional perspectives
- Develop national and cultural identity through a deeper appreciation of culture, tradition, literature and history.
Read more about the examination format and grading here.
3.6.2. H3 Malay Language and Literature
Learning Objectives
The A Level Singapore H3 Malay Language and Literature syllabus aims to measure the level of achievement and proficiency of students in the field of language and literature. The A Level H3 Malay Language and Literature syllabus hopes that students can meet these learning objectives:
- Produce an original piece of creative writing
- Assess and analyze the given texts
- Respond critically and creatively to the given text
- Compare the given texts
Read more about the examination format and grading here.
3.6.3. H3 Mathematics
Learning Objectives
The H3 Mathematics A Level Singapore syllabus assesses student’s ability to understand and apply mathematical concepts and skills to solve non-routine problems, including those that may require integration of concepts and skills for more than one topic. The H3 Mathematics A Level syllabus hopes that students can meet these learning objectives:
- Understand and apply advanced methods and techniques of proof to establish the truth or falsity of a mathematical statement
- Reason and communicate in precise mathematical language through the writing and evaluation of mathematical proofs and solutions
Read more about the examination format and grading here.
3.6.4. H3 Chemistry
Learning Objectives
The H3 Chemistry syllabus has been designed to build on and extend the knowledge, understanding and skills acquired from the H2 Chemistry syllabus. It is designed with an emphasis on independent and self-directed learning. The H3 Chemistry syllabus provides greater depth and rigour in the subject for students pursuing further studies in chemistry-related fields. Desired outcomes of the subject are:
- Understand the Nature of Scientific Knowledge
- Demonstrate Science Inquiry Skills
- Relates Science and Society
- Provide students with an experience that deepens their knowledge and skills in chemistry, fostering attitudes necessary for further studies in related fields
- Develop students’ appreciation of the practice, value and rigor of chemistry as a discipline
- Develop students’ skills to analyze chemical issues, and to apply relevant concepts and techniques to solve problems
Read more about the examination format and grading here.
3.6.5. H3 Biology
Learning Objectives
The H3 Biology syllabus is designed to build on and extend the knowledge, understanding and skills acquired from the H2 Biology syllabus. The H3 Biology syllabus is meant to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject through depth and rigour. Desired outcomes of the subject are:
- Provide students with an experience that deepens their knowledge and skills of biology, and fosters attitudes necessary for further studies in related fields
- Develop students’ appreciation of the practice, value and rigour of biology as a discipline
- Develop skills to think deeply, laterally and critically about biological issues, so that they can critically analyse what they have read and respond through writing well-structured arguments that integrate knowledge and skills acquired from different areas of biology
- Develop skills needed for effective communication to different audiences through a range of styles, modes and tools
Read more about the examination format and grading here.
3.6.6. H3 Physics
Learning Objectives
The H3 Physics syllabus has been designed to build on and extend the knowledge, understanding and skills acquired from the H2 Physics syllabus. It caters to students of strong ability and keen interest in physics. The subject provides students with an experience that deepens their knowledge and skills, and fosters attitudes necessary for further studies in related fields. The subject aims to:
- Provide students with an experience that deepens their knowledge and skills, and foster attitudes necessary for further studies in related fields
- Develop students’ appreciation of the practice, value and rigour of physics as a discipline
- Develop skills to analyze physical situations, and to apply relevant concepts and techniques, including calculus, to solve problems
Read more about the examination format and grading here.
3.6.7. H3 Economics
Learning Objectives
Through the inquiry of economic issues and application of concepts, theories and principles, students develop the capacity to analyze and evaluate the behavior of economic agents in the allocation of scarce resources. In understanding domestic, regional and global economic issues, students adopt multiple perspectives, recognise trade-offs and consequences arising from decision-making and arrive at well reasoned decisions. Students will eventually be able to:
- Understand and interpret economic information presented in textual, numerical or graphical form
- Apply appropriate tools of economic reasoning to analyse real-world economic issues
- Analyse and evaluate critically economic information, arguments, strategies and policies using economic concepts, theories and principles
- Evaluate critically and independently perspectives and decisions made by economic agents
- Synthesise and construct coherent arguments synoptically, and propose strategies to address economic issues
Read more about the examination format and grading here.
3.6.8. H3 Geography
Learning Objectives
Geographers in different parts of the world define Geography differently depending on when they are asked to provide a definition of the subject. It is described as a science that deploys geospatial technologies in an endeavour to understand our world in its entirety. Students are expected to:
- Demonstrate geographical understanding through selection and synthesis of knowledge
- Apply geographical concepts in examining the chosen research topic related to sustainable development
- Collect, analyse and evaluate primary and/or secondary data
- Coherently present well-substantiated arguments based on a reasoned consideration of evidence and/or different viewpoints
- Evaluate their chosen research strategy
Read more about the examination format and grading here.
3.6.9. H3 History
Learning Objectives
H3 History is intended for candidates who demonstrate strong aptitude, passion and interest in History. It provides opportunities for candidates to explore historical issues and events in greater depth, and promotes an appreciation of the nature of history as a discipline. Candidates will be expected to:
- Demonstrate historical understanding through the use of historical methods and processes to acquire, select and synthesise knowledge
- Demonstrate a critical awareness of the range of differing historical viewpoints by establishing connections, making comparisons and interpreting them in the context of historical events or issues
- Interpret and evaluate evidence by distinguishing between fact, opinion and judgement, highlighting gaps and inconsistencies in the available body of historical knowledge
- Present well-substantiated arguments, communicated with clarity and coherence through an independent historical investigation
Read more about the examination format and grading here.
3.6.10. H3 Literature in English
Learning Objectives
H3 Literature is intended for students who display an exceptional ability and interest in the study of Literature, and are willing to pursue their studies to a greater depth and with greater specialization. Candidates in their essay and accompanying evaluative commentary will demonstrate the ability to:
- Analyze and evaluate literary texts in the context of literary history, and/or movements, and/or theory; evaluate and compare different critical views
- Construct a well-founded argument in support of an independent critical judgment
- Carry out independent research involving the selection and citation of a range of appropriate secondary sources
- Discuss the process of research and analysis in an evaluative commentary
Read more about the examination format and grading here.
4. A Level Tips and Resources
4.1. A Level Tips
4.1.1. Be Consistent
Being consistent goes hand-in-hand with creating a personalized study plan. Creating a study plan allows students to spread out their revision load over the remaining weeks leading up to their exams. The plan should cover every subject, every topic, and every study session. Having a study plan also encourages students to learn to manage their time properly while keeping to other commitments in their life – CCA, interests, family, and social time. It ensures that the students are able to pace themselves without the risk of burning out.
4.1.2. Take Advantage of Online Tools
Make use of online websites and applications to aid your A Level Singapore revision. Here is a list of useful applications:
Notion takes it a step further by being both a notetaking and project management software. Notion is highly customisable: simply drag and drop to craft a unique personal dashboard, website, document, or system that you want. There are many ways to set and track goals in Notion, using a board, a table database, or simply text. It is a top choice for A Level students looking for a one-stop multi-functional application.
Download the Notion App here.
Forest App
Forest App is an interesting way to overcome distraction whilst turning focused moments into a lush forest. Stay phone-free to receive rewards and unlock new tree species. There are many other free apps that serve the same purpose of lowering a user’s screen time. For A Level students finding ways to focus their attention on their studies, it is no doubt a creative and satisfying way to lower one’s screen time!
Download the Forest App here.
4.1.3. Seek Academic Support
It is of paramount importance that students seek help when in doubt. A Level’s questions are typically built upon foundational concepts to test students’ higher-order thinking capabilities. It will be extremely helpful for students to note down their doubts and questions as they revise. This makes it easier for students to consult their teachers and fellow peers to clarify their doubts. One may even go a step further to engage a tuition teacher to provide chapter summaries and help with last-minute revision.
4.2. A Level Resources
4.2.1. A Level Ten Year Series
Ten Year Series (TYS) is an annual publication consisting of A Level Singapore examination questions over the past 10 years. They are compiled in yearly and topical formats for students to practice. The topical TYS is suitable for students who wish to improve on specific topics within the syllabus. On the other hand, the yearly TYS is beneficial for students who wish to practice under timed conditions.
A Level Ten Year Series
4.2.2. A Level Tuition
The student may choose to engage a tuition teacher if they require an additional helping hand. Having 1-on-1 tuition provides the student with a focused environment where their doubts and questions can be clarified immediately. Tutors are also able to provide targeted guidance and curated materials for the student’s weaker topics.
At MindFlex, we boast a huge database of professional and experienced A Level tutors who have helped countless students prepare for their A Levels. Students are able to enjoy quality education in the comfort of their own homes and witness exemplary grade improvements at A Levels!
4.2.3. Online A Level Resources
A student-centric resource sharing site by RI Alumni, Tick offers crowdsourced A Levels & IB resources, ranging from model essays to summary sheets and content notes. The platform not only has many local users but also many more across the globe. All resources are curated by alumni and current students and carefully vetted by the quality control team.
Youtube: A Level Lessons
If you’re confused about dreaded Math concepts like Permutations & Combinations, or have been struggling to score those marks for Evaluation in AQ for General Paper (GP), A Level Lessons, a YouTube channel on A-Level concepts, delves into these concepts in clear explanatory lecture-like videos.
Reddit: r/SGExams
The Reddit community, SGExams, is a one-stop site for free notes. It is flooded with questions and concerns of students. They are able to have their worries heard and questions answered by other users. Peers and seniors can offer guidance and support through comments and upvotes.
Instagram Accounts
Accounts for General Paper (GP) such as @generalpaper upload posts surrounding the world’s current affairs. It allows students to be up-to-date with the latest news and gain knowledge for exams whilst scrolling through social media. With these Instagram accounts, which cover topics such as the environment or crime and punishment, students are equipped with adequate resources for their GP exams.
5. Taking the A Levels as a Private Candidate
One may choose to re-sit the A Level Exams by registering for it under the yearly Private Candidates’ Registration Exercise. Registration has to be made via SEAB’s Candidate Portal within a specified time frame and is subject to late fees in addition to the individual subject fees.
In order to sit as a A Level Private Candidate, the student must first fulfill the following the criteria:
- Meet the minimum age requirement of 17
- Maximum subjects students are allowed to retake: 5 H1 subjects & 3 H2 subjects OR 3 H1 subjects & 4 H2 subjects
- Meet the prerequisites of each paper and be aware that certain subjects are not to be taken together
Further details can be found in the yearly revised Registration Information for Private Candidates PDF booklet.
6. Where Your A Level Score Can Lead You
6.1. Local University
You may check if your results meet the requirements for each course using each school’s admission requirements and indicative grade profile: National University of Singapore (NUS) | Nanyang Technological University (NTU) | Singapore Management University (SMU) | Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) | Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) | Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT)
6.2. Private University
6.2.1. Curtin Singapore
Ranked #156 in Best Global Universities
You will need to get at least 4 passes for GCE O-Level, have a minimum of 2 points from 2 GCE A Level H2 Subjects, or have a passing grade of C in Higher Nitec to get accepted into Curtin SG Diploma. In order to be eligible for the Bachelor’s Degree, one must have a minimum of 5 points from 2 GCE A Level H2 subjects or have successful completion of a Diploma/ Advanced Diploma/ Specialist Diploma from a Polytechnic or a recognized institution.
6.2.2. James Cook University (JCU)
Ranked #293 in Best Global Universities
The University offers you an extensive range of study options at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Since the admission requirements differ according to the different courses of study, the general applicants much have completed 12 years of schooling and have appropriate English proficiency levels equating to a minimum of IELTS of 6. Even though most of the different courses have different eligibilities, most of them require students to have at least a Grade C or higher in English.
6.2.3. Kaplan Higher Education Institute
In the categories of law, accounting, business management, marketing, and psychology, Kaplan was recognized as the best private education institution in 2017. They provide over 450 academic programs for higher learning and professional certification courses for skills development.
6.2.4. Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS)
It is Singapore’s oldest non-profit vocational university for lifelong learning. MDIS offers internationally-accredited courses over several disciplines that are in collaboration with renowned global Universities. The general applicant should be above the age of 18 and is expected to have attained C6 pass for English at the O Levels.
6.2.5. Singapore Institute of Management (SIM GE)
At the 2016 AsiaOne People’s Choice Awards, readers of AsiaOne chose SIM GE as the Best Private Institute for the seventh consecutive year. SIM boasts more than 70 student clubs on top of the 120 programs offered. These programs span a diverse range of sub-disciplines and academic levels.
6.2.6. Trent Global College
Trent Global College was established to conduct and deliver foreign university courses in Singapore and overseas. It has a variety of courses made available to students from anthropology to engineering to economics, there is definitely something for everyone!
6.2.7. PSB Academy
PSB Academy has been accredited the APAC Insider Business Award for the best educational institute in Singapore, 2019. It consists of 6 schools, namely the School of Foundation Studies, School of Business and Management, School of Engineering and Technology, School of Life and Physical Science, School of Postgraduate Studies and Digital Academy.
The entry requirement differs for each university and course.
6.3. Re-sit the A Levels
Students may also choose to retake the A Levels, either as a private candidate or a school student, subject to the school’s approval. You may refer to 5. Taking the A Levels as a Private Candidate. Alternatively, retaking A Levels in school can offer the student a structured and guided environment in order to stay on track and do better for their second attempt.
6.4. Gap Year
Taking a gap year is not a path less traveled for those who have completed their A Levels. In fact, many students choose to spend a year gaining real-world experience in the workforce before starting their University journey. By entering the workforce, students learn valuable soft skills that help them further excel in University. Taking up internships is a way for students to boost their portfolios. Having relevant work experience may also improve one’s chances of entering his or her desired course under Aptitude-Based-Admissions (ABA) which takes into account a student’s passions, interests and strengths.
6.5. Polytechnic
Some students may decide to attain a Diploma from local Polytechnics. Polytechnics include Singapore Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Republic Polytechnic, Nanyang Polytechnic and Temasek Polytechnic. These Polys offer an array of courses that the student may have interests and inclinations towards. A Level students may enter Poly under the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) or the Direct Admissions Exercise (DAE).
Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE):
JAE takes place in January and uses the students’ O Level results. The L1R2B2 (First Language + 2 Relevant + 2 Best Subjects) requirements for each course can be found on the individual Polytechnic websites.
Direct Admissions Exercise (DAE):
A Level students may also choose to apply to Poly via DAE which runs from December to February and in August. However, students must meet the following criteria: Students must have sat for the Singapore-Cambridge GCE A Levels and never studied in any Poly/Universities prior. All courses and their respective requirements can be found under Advanced Standing.
Eligible A Level students will then be exempted from one to two semesters of their 3-year Polytechnic curriculum.
7. A Level Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How to calculate A Level score?
The A-Level Examination in Singapore grades students out of a maximum of 90 rank points. Each grade at the H1, H2 and H3 levels is allocated an amount of rank points that would contribute to the student’s final grade.
The total rank points is calculated through the addition of student’s 3 H2 Subjects, 1 H1 Subject, H1 General Paper and Project Work
What is the minimum rank point required to enter a local university?
According to the 10th percentile of the Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) of local universities, a minimum of CCD/C would be required to enter a local university. However, with the introduction of Aptitude-based Admissions (ABA) in 2020, students who fall short of the minimum RP may still have a shot at entering a local university.
ABA takes into account students’ passions, interests and strengths. Applicants with exceptional talents and/or outstanding achievements beyond schools’ co-curricular activities can be considered, subject to a minimum level of academic competence, for admissions under ABA.
What is the age requirement to take A Level Singapore?
Candidates must have turned 17 before 1 January of the A Level Singapore examination year.
How many subjects are there for A Level Singapore?
There are over 50 subjects offered for the A Levels. Minimally, students should take 3 H2 subjects and 1 H1 subject, along with H1 General Paper and H1 Project Work.
When is the A Level Singapore examination?
As the exact examination dates differ yearly, refer to the SEAB website for the most updated information.
What do I need to prepare the day before my A Level examination?
On the day before your A Level paper, remember to pack your NRIC, entry proof and the necessary stationery. For some subjects, you will require a SEAB-approved calculator or a dictionary.
How long is each A Level paper?
The duration of the examination depends on the paper’s topic and structure. Written tests can range anywhere from 1 hour 30 minutes to 3 hours, MCQ tests normally last an hour.
Refer to 3. A Level Subjects above for more information on the individual subject papers.
How will A Level Singapore examinations be conducted?
The examinations will generally be held at a school or examination centre, according to the allocation by MOE.
Can I appeal for my A Level results?
You may request for an appeal of your results shortly after the result release. There is a fee of $112.35 incurred per subject.
What is the best possible score for A Level Singapore?
The maximum number of rank points (RP) a student can achieve is 90.
How much do the A Level examinations cost?
The cost of the A Levels Examinations depends on one’s citizenship. As of 14 April 2022, the examination fees are waived for candidates who are Singapore Citizens.
The examination fees payable includes the subject fees. No Goods and Services Tax (GST) is payable for the examination fees as this is currently absorbed by the Ministry of Education.
Breakdown of the Fees
- Singapore Citizen: $64 basic fee and only $32 for solely local subjects
- Singapore Permanent Resident: Basic fee will be $80 and if you register for local subjects only then your fee will be $40
- International Student: Basic fee will be $100 and if you register for local subjects only then your fee will be $50
The subject fee varies according to the subjects you are taking. For Singapore Permanent Residents and International Students, it will be between $200 to $350.
What do I do after the A Level examinations?
You may choose to apply to a local or private university, re-sit the A Levels, take a gap year or apply to a Polytechnic.
For more information, you may refer to 6. Where Your A Level Score Can Lead You.
When will the A Level results be released?
The tentative date of the 2022 result release is between 17-21 Feb 2023. As the date of result release differs yearly, do refer to the SEAB website for the most updated information.
When should I register for the A Level examinations?
The registration exercise for the A Levels takes place in May. Registration has to be made via SEAB’s Candidates Portal (CP). A late registration fee will be charged if you apply past the deadline.
How do I choose my subject combination?
Subject combinations fall in either the Arts or Science stream. For all subject combinations, there must be 1 contrasting subject. It is recommended to choose your subject combination based on what you believe you will score well in and what you plan to do after the A Levels.
8. Conclusion
The A Level Examinations are definitely one of the most rigorous examinations in the Singapore Education system. JC may be an overwhelming transition for students that are previously from Secondary school due to the high number of topics needed to be covered within 2 years. In JC, students are expected to manage their own time and learn how to study productively and effectively, while being involved in other Co-Curricular Activities. It is important to realize that the A Levels are a crucial stepping stone for one’s future and prepare students for the demands of university education. Apart from performing well, it is crucial for students to have the correct mindsets and adopt useful study skills to do well in their further studies.
Here at MindFlex, our A Level Tutors place a strong emphasis on holistic education that is relevant in the fast-paced and ever-changing environment. Our tutors aim to help students gain genuine interest in the subjects, learn important life skills and help mold them into ambassadors and future citizens.
Looking for a suitable JC tutor for your A Levels? Kickstart your A Levels Examinations preparation journey with MindFlex today!