
AEIS English Tuition:
The Best AEIS English Tutors in Singapore

AEIS English can be a struggle for many students. As international students prepare to enter a local school in Singapore from an international school, it is expected that there will be a learning gap due to the differences in syllabus and teaching styles. With MindFlex’s Top English Tuition, our Dedicated AEIS English Tutors will be able to coach students and provide sufficient guidance to ensure that students are well-versed in their AEIS content.


English Tutor Conducting A Lesson

Importance of AEIS English Tuition

The AEIS Examinations are often a struggle for many students. International students often face difficulties transitioning from their International School environment to a local Singaporean school. These difficulties often stem from differences in cultures, teaching styles, and syllabus. 

Moreover, learning English in an International School environment could potentially be vastly different from learning English in a local school environment. As such, AEIS students are likely to face difficulties in their AEIS English journeys. 

That is why at MindFlex,  we recommend AEIS students to engage an AEIS English tutor. Here at MindFlex, our Top AEIS English Tutors will be able to coach students and provide sufficient guidance to ensure that students are well-versed in their AEIS content.

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How Much Does AEIS English Tuition Cost

For 1-1 Home Tuition for Primary AEIS English, you may expect to pay about $30 to $110 an hour, depending on the type of tutor you want to engage. For example, more experienced and qualified tutors tend to charge more for their classes as compared to part-time tutors with less experience. If private tuition is not suitable for your child, you may also consider sending your child to a tuition centre, where rates tend to range from $200 to $400 a month.



MOE Teachers





Primary 1-4




Primary 5-6




Sec 1-2




Sec 3-5












IGCSE / International




Poly / Uni








Challenges Faced While Learning English

Outline of AEIS English Tuition

  • Crafting Ideas that are Well-Developed and Logically Sound
  • Interpretation of Texts
  • Learning to Express Thoughts in An Organised Manner
  • Creating Well-Supported Arguments
  • Precisely Express One’s Thoughts Using Appropriate Vocabulary
  • Applying Appropriate Language Features and Styles

Challenges Faced By English AEIS Students

Inability to Clarify Doubts

Some AEIS students face some difficulties clarifying their doubts in class, especially students who are more quiet and timid by nature. As such, they may be afraid of being ridiculed by their peers, and as a result do not speak up in class.

At MindFlex, it is of the utmost importance that students voice out their concerns and doubts as soon as possible to facilitate a smoother learning process. Moreover, the act of speaking up in class will train AEIS English students to speak up later on in life. This is helpful in building up their confidence, and will serve them well in the future and in the workplace.

Poor Examination Performance

It is often a common sight to see AEIS English students study hard for their various tests and examinations, but end up with less-than-stellar results. Unfortunately, this is a result of poor examination performance, meaning that the work and revision that AEIS students put in does not translate into good examination results.

Here at MindFlex, we recommend that AEIS English students complete their revision and practice papers under timed conditions and in a simulated examination environment, so as to ensure that they are able to perform in their actual examinations.

Unable to Understand Certain Words

Some AEIS English students may face difficulties understanding certain new vocabulary. This is especially true for AEIS English students who lack sufficient exposure to English materials and content such as English books and television shows.

As a result, students may feel confused and intimidated at the sight of new words, and thus may be less incentivised to continue studying the language. MindFlex believes that AEIS English students should read widely and extensively to continuously expose themselves to new words and phrases, and also make it a habit to check the dictionary for the meanings of words that they do not understand.

Hectic Schedules and Timetables

AEIS students often have rather hectic schedules and after-school activities, and thus may not have sufficient time in their schedules for adequate revision and practice. 

As a result, many AEIS English students are left feeling drained and exhausted after school, and may not have the time or energy to catch up on their revision and school homework. This is likely to put immense stress and pressure on them, which would have adverse effects on their well-being in the long run.

Why You Should Engage An AEIS English Tutor

Benefits of Hiring English Tuition

1. Help Students Clarify Doubts

AEIS English students may not be willing to clarify their doubts in class, as they fear being laughed at by their peers. Moreover, teachers may not be available for 1-to-1 consultations, given that they teach numerous classes and numerous students. This thus makes it rather difficult for students to seek individual and personalised help in school.

An AEIS English Tutor will be able to be totally dedicated to helping the individual students, thus helping students to clarify their misconceptions or doubts that they have. Moreover, students need not feel shy about asking their questions, given the private environment of the tuition class.

2. Gradually Ease Students into AEIS English Syllabus

The transition to AEIS will no doubt be tough for AEIS English students. The increase in intensity and rigour of the curriculum is sure to be a source of stress for students.

With the help of an AEIS English Tutor, students will be able to make a smooth transition into their AEIS life with their English Tutor serving as a pillar of support in their academic endeavors.

3. Help Students Master English Vocabulary

English can be an immensely difficult language to master. Given the complexity of its grammar rules, unfamiliar phonics and different sentence structures, it is no wonder that many AEIS English students are left struggling in the language.

With the help of an AEIS English Tutor, students will be provided with additional guidance and exposure to the language.  AEIS students will thus be able to gain mastery of English with this additional support.

4. Aid with Sentence Structuring

It is no secret that many AEIS English students struggle with utilising proper sentence structure in their everyday spoken and written English. This problem is compounded by the use of Singlish in our everyday speech, which many AEIS English students tend to imbibe and use in their academic work.

A Top AEIS English Tutor will be able to guide students towards using proper sentence structures and grammatically accurate terms in their writing and speaking.

What To Look For in An AEIS English Tutor


It is important to check if the English tutor that you select is able to commit to your time slot in the long term. This is important, as it would be a pity for the tutor to build a strong rapport with your child, and then subsequently cancel future lessons due to clashes in your schedules. 

Here at MindFlex, we recommend that you check with your tutor on whether they are able to commit long-term in order to avoid disappointment and the disruption of your child’s learning.


It is also extremely important that you engage a patient tutor who is able to explain concepts and English rules in a patient manner. With a patient English tutor, students will be more likely to clarify their doubts and misconceptions with the tutor, since they are not too daunted or intimidated to do so.

The patience of the tutor is an immensely important factor when selecting a tutor. MindFlex recommends that you engage a patient English tutor in order for your child to have a smooth English learning journey.

Experience Teaching AEIS Students

It is imperative that you check if the tutor you are interested in engaging has experience in teaching other AEIS students. With such experience, they will then be familiar with the current English syllabus and common examination practices. It is thus important that you ensure that the English Tutor has been teaching students of similar levels.

MindFlex also recommends that you choose tutors who have experience in teaching English to students of similar levels or have the personal academic achievements to teach English.


Top English Tutors in Singapore will naturally have testimonials and recommendations from previous tutees, as well as have the appropriate qualifications to teach. We recommend for you to check if they have been recommended by past parents or have any testimonials from parents and students, in order to gauge if the English tutor is right for your child’s needs.


Typically, most recommended English Tutors will have strong qualifications as well as a strong testimonial base, which can reassure you of their capability to teach your child.


Testimonials from AEIS English Students

Mr Lim was a English Tutor recommended to me by my friends who took the AEIS exam. He is extremely familiar with the AEIS content, and gave me tips and tricks to score in the examination. In class, Mr Lim would provide summary sheets and additional practices to ensure that I was well-prepared for the AEIS English examination.

Ryan Khoo
AEIS Student

I was so worried about my AEIS English exams, and did not know where to start for my revision. Thankfully, I stumbled upon MindFlex’s AEIS English tutors! My tutor, Mrs Lee, is so experienced and kind. She is able to break down the different components of the paper into bite-sized pieces that aren’t as scary for me. Thank you, Mrs Lee!

Clare Johnson
AEIS Student

Getting a tutor to help me with my AEIS English exam preparation has been a game-changer. My after-school hours are now spent productively with Ms Ong, who has been patiently helping me to prepare for the examinations. It has been a weight lifted off my shoulders for me!

Jade Lee
AEIS Student

My seniors who have previously taken the AEIS English exams recommended to me a tutor from MindFlex, Mrs Tan. With Mrs Tan, my AEIS English grades have improved tremendously, and I am more confident when answering questions in class. I am so glad that I met Mrs Tan.

Madeline Johansson
AEIS Student

AEIS English Video Resources

MindFlex Is The Best English Home Tuition Agency in Singapore

Engage The Best AEIS English Tuition in Singapore

Here at MindFlex, we have many qualified AEIS English Tutors who have years of experience in teaching and in the subject. Hence, be rest assured that by engaging our AEIS English Tutors, you’ll be receiving high quality education at affordable rates!

Request for your English Tutor with MindFlex!

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Affordable Tuition Rates

Home Tuition Rates Singapore 2024



MOE Teachers





Primary 1-4




Primary 5-6




Sec 1-2




Sec 3-5












IGCSE / International




Poly / Uni









Our home tuition rates are constantly updated based on rates quoted by Home Tutors in Singapore. These market rates are based on the volume of 10,000+ monthly tuition assignment applications over a pool of 30,000+ active home tutors.