Free Request For Home Tuition
What is Mendaki?
Mendaki is a government-funded scheme, and it is the title of the Council for the Development of Singapore Malay or Muslim Community. It is a Pioneer Self-Help group which has been established with the purpose of offering quality and affordable tuition for Muslim Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents. Many of heard of the Mendaki Tuition Scheme, which is essentially tuition service with affordable tuition rates for the less fortunate in the Malay / Muslim community.

Mendaki aims to concentrate on establishing great achievements for the Singapore Malay or Muslim community.
People of the Malay or Muslim community who belong in the bottom 30% of the income bracket get to enjoy privileges, such as Mendaki’s programmes, at a subsidised rate. These programmes, like the Mendaki Tuition Scheme, have been developed to further assist and develop students in their studies, ensuring that they are well-prepared and kept up in school. Not only are these programmes catered to students or youths, some have also been developed specially for parents – to build stronger bonds with the community, as well as further improve their workforce skills.

Mendaki works with several partners that share and support its vision and mission.
Mendaki has fostered joint collaborations with several other organisations to make its programmes feasible. Prominent partners include the government agencies, schools, mosques, Malay or Muslim organisations, employers, Community Centres, Malay Activity Executive Committees Council (MAECs), family and student service centres and many more.
History of Mendaki
Established on 10 October 1982, Mendaki has been committed to grant the Singapore Malay or Muslim community excellence in their education, through various educational and improvement programmes such as the Mendaki Tuition Scheme.

Mendaki’s logo represents their primary goal – to nurture the underprivileged, bringing people towards an inclusive and well-learnt community.
Purpose of Mendaki
Mendaki aims to help the underprivileged or low-income families by providing services relating to education, welfare and career progression. The Mendaki Tuition programes and Educational Subsidies help students and youths by granting opportunities or providing the chance to strengthen their capabilities via affordable tuition lessons. They can apply for education subsidies, bursaries, study loans and even scholarships, or to serve the community as mentors or volunteers themselves. Here are a few examples of their education subsidies, bursaries, study loans and scholarships.
For more information regarding the eligibility and criteria, you may refer to their website.
Examples of Education Subsidies
- MENDAKI-MUIS Preschool Grant (MMPG) offers additional support to low-income families to ease their financial burdens on their child’s preschool fees, medical fees and developmental needs.
- Education Trust Fund School Assistance Scheme (ETF-SAS) is a one-off education subsidy offered to Malay or Muslim students who come from a low-income family, and for those who attend the Mendaki-funded tuition programmes. Funds provided will be in the form of vouchers and transport credits: Primary level students – $200 Secondary level students – $250
- Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy (TTFS) is a tertiary education subsidy for Malay students. This is to help offset a fraction of their tuition fees at local tertiary institutions (eg. ITE / Polytechnics).
Examples of Bursaries
- Education Trust Fund (TETA or TNTA) was set up to aid financially disadvantaged Muslim students in the TETA (Tripartite Engineering Training Award) or TNTA (Tripartite Nautical Training Award), to give them a chance to continue and succeed on their educational journey.
- Education Trust Fund (Siddiqui Assistance Scheme for NITEC Bursary & PFP Bursary) aids financially disadvantaged Muslim students attending tertiary institutions like ITE or Polytechnics.
- SM Jaleel Foundation also aims to support financially disadvantaged Muslim students attending tertiary institutions like ITE or Polytechnics.
Examples of Study Loans
- Supplementary Assistance Loan Scheme (SAS) supports educational needs by providing interest-free loans to Malay students who are in need of financial aid.
- The Skills Training Loan gives a chance for Malay/Muslim workers to upgrade their skills, by providing an interest-free loan for them to enrol into a recognised and work-related course.

Mendaki also lays out its strategic programmes based on three pillars – School Ready, Perform in School and Future Ready.
Mendaki SENSE
Formed in 2004 as a community support group, Mendaki SENSE is a subsidiary of Yayasan Mendaki. It has positioned itself as an organisation which promotes the further pursuit of education and training, in line with the nation’s campaign in encouraging lifelong-learning and development.
The objective of Mendaki SENSE is to equip employees in the workforce with relevant skills and knowledge, to help themselves stay relevant, amid the volatility and uncertainties in today’s job market and economy.
Mendaki SENSE has expanded to become hub for various types of activities and services that seeks to serve the community. Besides providing an extensive line-up of Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) courses and other training programmes, it also offers additional services such as employment advisory and opportunities in hiring industries through their Job Placement Exercises (JPE).
They have value-added to the lives of a great number of past beneficiaries. This includes 25,878 people who went through training courses, 24,491 people seeking jobs, 2,909 PMETs (Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians), 515 women who has decided to return to the workforce.
Lastly, it also manages the Mendaki Tuition Scheme (MTS) to offer quality and affordable tuition.
Mendaki Tuition Scheme
The Mendaki Tuition Scheme aims to provide quality and affordable tuition lessons to assist students in achieving better results in their school and national examinations such as PSLE, N-Levels and O-Levels. This scheme is available to all Primary and Secondary school Muslim students. MTS is up-to-date with the MOE’s curriculum and provides additional developmental activities. Classes are conducted in more than 50 schools around the island.
The objective and main goal of the Mendaki Tuition Scheme is to inspire the students to learn and give them the confidence in preparation for their national examinations. It also aims to improves their knowledge and eventually motivate them do well in school and life.
Who Can Apply for the Mendaki Tuition Scheme?
- Muslims
- Singaporean or Singapore Permanent Residents
- Full-time students who attend local government or government-aided schools and Madrasahs
- Those who scored 75 marks and below for 1 or more subjects (English, Mathematics or Science) for their SA2 of the previous year

Mendaki Tuition Scheme provides English, Maths and Science tuition across all levels – ranging from Primary 1 to 6, and Secondary 1 to 5. This includes all streams – Express, Normal Academic and Normal Technical.

Fees per month vary with different academic levels, and come with a registration as well as material fee.

Mendaki has over more than 50 centres in Singapore.
How To Apply for the Mendaki Tuition Scheme?
You may apply for the scheme online via this link or pay a personal visit to any of their registration centres here.
For new students applying for the Mendaki Tuition Scheme, navigate to the “Student or Tutor registration” tab on the website, select “New Registration” and proceed with the application. For existing students, if you forget your password, fret not. By inputing your Login ID, you would be able to receive a One-Time Password (OTP) sent to your registered mobile number. A default password will then be given to you, so that you can log in and proceed to enter a new password again for future use.
Upon application, do take note of the following necessary documents that Mendaki would need – Student’s latest SA1 and SA2 examination results, students’ birth certificate or NRIC, parent/guardian’s NRIC. For incoming Primary 1 students, a copy of their enrolment letter is needed as well.
Mendaki will notify Parents or guardians on whether their registration for the MTS has been accepted or rejected. Successful applicants will receive a letter which dictates which allocation centre and class your child has been successfully enrolled, as well as the date/time to report for the first lesson. Parents will also receive a letter even if the application has been rejected, and they can go on to try again by applying for another scheme.
Common Questions Asked
Here are a few common questions that parents and students like to ask.
The first question, is Mendaki a tuition centre? No, Mendaki is not. However, it has several schemes such as the MTS, which is dedicated to provide quality and affordable tuition lessons at more than 50 allocated schools in Singapore.
Next most commonly asked question – can I apply for the MTS if I am of non-Malay race? For Non-Malay Muslims, such as Malay-Chinese or Malay-Indian, you would still be eligible for certain schemes provided thaty you meet other specific selection criteria, such as income level.
Mendaki also offers the Collaborative Tuition Programme (CTP), and this is open for applications from Singaporeans and Singapore PRs of all races and religion. CTP has been brought together by the Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC), The Eurasian Association (EA), Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA) and Yayasan Mendaki, and its subjects in focus are English, Mathematics and Science. Their classes are made affordable for the masses, and are available across 20 schools and community centres in Singapore.
To be eligible for CTP, the first criteria to be met is the gross monthly total household income and gross monthly household’s per capita income. The table below is the maximum figures for the respective races:
Race | Gross Monthly Total Household Income | Gross Monthly Household’s Per Capita Income |
Chinese | $3,300 and below | $900 and below |
Eurasian | $3,000 and below | $800 and below |
Malay / Indian | No cap | No cap |
The 2nd criteria is that students must have scored 35-65 marks for the respective tuition subject for their last SA2 undertaken. The last criteria – the students must be attending school on a full-time basis at a local government or government-aided schools and Madrasahs.
How Do I Become A Mendaki Tutor?
You can only register to be a Mendaki tutor if you are Singaporean or Singapore Permanent Resident. To check if you are eligible, please check that you qualify for either of the following:
– You are a Diploma holder from a local Polytechnic, or any institution recognised by Mendaki
– You are an undergraduate / degree holder from either NUS/NTU/SMU/SIM or other institutions recognised by Mendaki
– You are an NIE trainee and you are currently holding an A Level certification or a Polytechnic Diploma
Another compulsory prerequisite is that you must have scored at least a B4 for English & Maths (and Science if you want to coach in it) at the O Levels. If you have met the following above requirements, you can proceed to apply to be a a tutor via Mendaki’s Online Programme Registration System (OPRS). In your application process, do prepare to submit:
– Recent passport-sized picture of yourself
– Front and back copy of your NRIC
– Academic certificates and transcripts, from O-Levels onwards
– Testimonials and relevant documents that could help with your application
Mendaki aims to provide the youth and adults of the Malay and Muslum community with equal opportunities for a better education and future, regardless of educational or financial background. The establishment mainly provides group tuition at an affordable rate, to ensure that no child gets deprived of quality education. In the case where you do not meet the criteria or are not eligible for some of the tuition classes, or would prefer to have 1-1 home tuition, feel free to contact Mindflex, where we would be able to match you with your very own personal tutor at an affordable rate too. We will be able to help students from Primary levels all the way up to JC levels.