A Complete Guide to O Level Chemistry in Singapore by Our Top O Level Chemistry Tutors
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The Complete Guide to O Level Chemistry in Singapore
GCE O Level Examination is one of the phases most students in Singapore would have to go through in their educational lives. Many students would commonly feel the stress and pressure in Secondary 4 as the O Level Examination nears. Being the “central science”, Chemistry is one of the subjects most students will have to overcome for the O Levels Exams. As a Home Tuition Agency, MindFlex understands the stress and concerns that both parents and students alike have for the O Level Chemistry Examination. Around 30% of tuition requests for O Level Tuition come from both Combined & Pure Chemistry. As such, MindFlex has come together with our top Chemistry Tutors to provide a detailed and helpful guide that provides you with the necessary information you will need to know about O Level Chemistry.
1. An Overview to O Level Chemistry
O Level Chemistry is a complex subject that teaches students the study of elements and compounds that makes up the world. It helps students understand the technological world and take on an informed interest in science and scientific developments. O Level Chemistry can be a fascinating field of study to some students, whereas it may be challenging and confusing for them to grasp the concepts to the rest. For students looking to go to JC after their O Levels Examination, it is highly recommended for them to do well in the O Level Chemistry. This is because O Level and A Level Chemistry are interdependent. In O Level Chemistry, students will be learning the foundation concepts, which will be further expanded and taught in-depth at the advanced level, such as A-Levels or in Chemistry-related Diploma. Regardless, by doing well in O Level Chemistry, students have a higher chance of scoring a low aggregate score and will also understand higher-level Chemistry concepts in their future studies.
If you are interested in opting for an O Level Chemistry Tutor for yourself or your child, you have come to the right place! Here at MindFlex Home Tuition, we a list of experienced O Level Chemistry Tutors who will be able to guide and prepare your child for the upcoming examination.
2. Objectives of O Level Chemistry
The Key objectives for both Pure and Combined O Level Chemistry are as follows:
2.1 Knowledge with Understanding
Students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understand in relation to:
- Scientific phenomena, facts, laws, definitions, concepts, theories
- Scientific vocabulary, terminology, conventions
- Scientific instruments and apparatus, including techniques of operation and aspects of safety
- Scientific quantities and their determination
- Scientific and technological applications with their social, economic and environmental implications.
2.2 Handling Information and Solving Problems
Students should be able to:
- Locate, select, organise and present information from a variety of sources
- Translate information from one form to another
- Manipulate numerical and other data
- Use information to identify patterns, report trends and draw inferences
- Present reasoned explanations for phenomena, patterns and relationships
- Make predictions and hypotheses
- Solve problems.
2.3 Experimental Skills and Investigations
Students should be able to:
- Follow a sequence of instructions
- Select and use techniques, apparatus and materials
- Make and record observations, measurements and estimates
- Interpret and evaluate observations and experimental results
- Plan investigations, select techniques, apparatus and materials
- Evaluate methods and suggest possible improvements
More information on O Level Pure Chemistry and Combined Chemistry can be found here.
3. O Level Chemistry Exam Format
Here’s what you should expect from the O Level Chemistry examination!
3.1. Pure O Level Chemistry
In Pure O Level Chemistry, it consists of 3 components – 1) Paper 1: Multiple Choice, 2) Paper 2: Structured and Free Response and, 3) Paper 3: Practical Test
Paper 1 (Multiple Choice)
1 Hour, 40 marks, 30% weightage
This paper consists of 40 COMPULSORY multiple choice items.
Paper 2 (Structured and Free Response)
1 Hour 45 mins, 80 marks, 50% weightage
Section A will carry 50 marks and consists of a variable number of compulsory structured questions. Section B will carry 30 marks and consists of three questions. The FIRST TWO questions are COMPULSORY questions, one of which will be a data-based question requiring candidates to interpret, evaluate or solve problems using a stem of information. This question will carry 8–12 marks.
The last question will be presented in an EITHER/OR form and will carry 10 marks.
Paper 3 (Practical Test)
1 Hour 50 mins, 40 marks, 20%
This paper consists of a variable number of compulsory practical questions that assess students on their Planning (P) skills and require candidates to apply and integrate knowledge and understanding from different sections of the syllabus. The assessment of PDO and ACE may include questions on data-analysis which do not require practical equipment and apparatus.
3.2. Combined O Level Chemistry
In the Combined O Level Chemistry, it consists of these components – 1) Paper 1: Multiple Choice, 2) Paper 2: Structured and Free Response (Physics), 3) Paper 3: Structured and Free Response (Chemistry), 4) Paper 4: Structure and Free Response (Biology), 5) Paper 5: Practical
The following are the possible O Level Combined Chemistry combination:
Chemistry Combination | Papers Taken |
Science (Physics/Chemistry) | Paper 1 will be based on the Physics and Chemistry sections of the syllabus. Paper 2 will be based on the Physics section of the syllabus. Paper 3 will be based on the Chemistry section of the syllabus. Paper 5 will be based on the Physics and Chemistry sections of the syllabus. |
Science (Chemistry/Biology) | Paper 1 will be based on the Chemistry and Biology sections of the syllabus. Paper 3 will be based on the Chemistry section of the syllabus. Paper 4 will be based on the Biology section of the syllabus. Paper 5 will be based on the Chemistry and Biology sections of the syllabus. |
Paper 1 (Multiple Choice)
1 Hour, 40 marks, 20%
This paper consists of 40 COMPULSORY multiple choice questions of the direct choice type providing approximately equal coverage of the two appropriate sections of the syllabus.
Paper 2/3/4 (Structured and Free Response – Physics/Chemistry/Biology)
1 Hour 15 mins, 65 marks, 32.5%
Section A will carry 45 marks and will contain a number of compulsory structured questions of variable mark value. Section B will carry 20 marks and will contain three questions, each of 10 marks. Candidates are required to answer any TWO questions.
Paper 5 (Practical Test)
1 Hour 30 mins, 30 marks
Consists of ONE or TWO compulsory questions on each of the two Sciences.
3.3. Topics tested for O Level Chemistry
Combined Chemistry | Pure Chemistry |
1) Experimental Chemistry 2) The Particulate Nature of Matter 3) Formulae Stoichiometry and the Mole Concept 4) Energy Changes 5) Chemical Reactions, 6) Acids, Bases and Salts, 7) The Periodic Table 8) Metals 9) Air 10) Organic Chemistry | 1) Experimental Chemistry 2) The Particulate Nature of Matter 3) Formulae Stoichiometry and the Mole Concept 4) Electrolysis 5) Energy from Chemicals 6) Chemical Reactions 7) Acids, Bases and Salts 8) The Periodic Table 9) Metals 10) Air 11) Organic Chemistry |
3.4. Challenges Faced & How To Score Well For Each O Level Chemistry Papers
3.4.1. Multiple Choice
Challenges: The purpose of multiple-choice questions (MCQ) in the O Level Chemistry Paper 1 is to measure students’ skills and knowledge on their Chemistry concepts. Many students often think that Paper 1 is easy and would tend to overlook its importance. In Paper 1, the options provided in the MCQs usually present similar ideas that can be confusing to some students because only one of the answers is correct. Furthermore, with only 1 hour to complete 40 MCQs, students would sometimes have trouble completing the paper as they fail to manage their time correctly. When students get stuck on questions that require more thinking, they spend more time figuring out the answer instead of moving on to the next one, which is one of the challenges commonly found in students.
How to Score Well: MCQs take up 20-30% of the O Level Chemistry Paper, and if students aim to have good grades for their O Level Chemistry, then they must score an A1 in their Paper 1. To do well, students are encouraged to have a habit of dedicating 1 minute for each question so that there will be additional time for them to go back to questions that they have either skipped or requires more checking. Next, in cases where students struggle to decide on the answer, one word of advice is to MOVE ON. Not only does it waste time, but there is also a higher chance where students will tend to rush through the remaining questions as the time runs out. Lastly, read carefully! Carelessness is one of the common mistakes that students make in their Paper 1. To avoid such situations, it is recommended that students read the questions fully before moving on to the answers. If it helps, students can also underline or circle any keywords shown on the questions that may benefit them in seeing and understanding the questions.
3.4.2. Structured and Free Response
Challenges: Structured and Free Response Paper is probably the paper that students find the most challenging in the O Level Chemistry Examination. With the amount of content and information that students have to digest and produce in their answers, most students struggle, especially those who are weaker in Chemistry. In addition, time management is also another challenge that students tend to face as there are several rather demanding questions. Students would sometimes have a “brain block” as they struggle to recall the knowledge and apply it to the application questions.
How to Score Well: To tackle such issues, students are advised to read and revise their Chemistry materials extensively to digest all the information and concepts they need to know. This way, they will be able to recall the facts better when doing the papers and are also able to form their answers in proper sentences with the necessary Chemistry terms and keywords. In addition, attempting more practice paper 2s that are timed can also help students work on their time management skills before the actual examination.
3.4.3. Practical Test
Challenges: The Practical itself in the O Level Chemistry Examination is a challenge as students are assessed on their level of knowledge and understanding of the topics and concepts through hands-on experiments and answering questions via the results of their experiments. Most students are more comfortable with the theory aspect of Chemistry instead of the practical and labs aspect. Students who do not have a good level of understanding of the concepts or topics that are tested in the practical will likely not do well for the component. This is because questions in the Chemistry practical exam usually require students to deduct their answers from either their observations or results based on the outcome of their experiment. If the experiment is done incorrectly at the start or students fail to understand the instructions, there is a high chance of marks getting deducted.
How to Score Well: To score for the O Level Chemistry Practical, the first thing that students should do is to give their most total attention during practical lessons in school. As many would know, practical lessons in school are minimal where students do not have the luxury to practice a lot in their experiments. As such, students should not take practical classes for granted. Instead, use the period to jot down as many notes as possible so that they would know how to proceed in the actual O Level Practical Exam. In addition, in the practical test, skills such as following instructions, making inferences, and drawing theory knowledge are essential in scoring well for the practical. Hence, students are recommended to work on these areas by revising past practical practices.
4. O Level Chemistry Tips and Resources
4.1. O Level Chemistry Tips
4.1.1. Start Your Revision Early
In O Level Chemistry, understanding the topics and their concepts is essential if students aim to do well for the examination. In all of the O Level Chemistry Papers, its purpose is to test students on their level of understanding and apply the concepts they have learned into the questions. One way students can work towards that would be to start their revision in advance. Do not cram the revision within a week and expect yourself to remember the information before the examination. This would only result in more stress and unnecessary panic. Starting early allows students to have plenty of time to learn and revise their Chemistry materials and understand them instead of purely depending on memorisation work. Besides, when students have extra time to study, they might start to change in mindset and enjoy their study sessions instead as they can learn the subject in their own time without rushing and panicking to remember everything.
So, it is encouraged for students to start planning their revision schedule well and start their studies in advance to give themselves plenty of time to recap and practice on topics they struggle in!
4.1.2. Ask For Help
Students might have heard this several times, but, yes, when in doubt, ask. If you do not understand any of the Chemistry concepts, topics, questions in the practice papers, or even when the O Level Chemistry Exam is on, ask! Asking questions can help students uncover the solutions to their challenges, and in the meantime, they might even learn something new. It is suitable for students to be curious, be engaged and be open-minded. After all, how can students learn when they are neither of those? Do not be afraid to sound out your doubts to your teachers, friends, or family. The more you accumulate such doubts and not clarify them, the higher chance you will start to create misconceptions on the Chemistry concepts in your mind.
4.1.3. Understand The Proper Way To Answer The O Level Chemistry Questions
O Level Chemistry in Singapore tests students on their level of understanding and the presence of keywords in their answers. Examiners would often look out for important words and phrases in the structured and free response questions and practical tests. When students use the proper Chemistry terms and phrases in their explanation, it shows that they are familiar with the scientific terminology, which is a bonus for the students. One way students can work on this area would be to revise their practice papers and look out for the terminologies used in the answers that the teachers have provided in the answer sheet. This way, for future questions, students would be able to apply such terms and phrases to their answers and score in that question.
4.1.4. Learn to Manage Your Time
Time management is an essential skill that everyone should instill in themselves as it keeps everyone on track and task. During the examination, time management is crucial if students are aiming to complete their papers on time. Have a habit of splitting your time wisely for each section to read, think, and answer the questions and dedicate strictly to it. In the examination, time is very precious, so be sure not to waste a single minute! If you find yourself stuck in a particular question, go to the next one and come back to it once you have completed the rest of the questions. Do not waste time staring at the question!
4.1.5. Get Sufficient Rest
Most students nowadays do not get the recommended amount of sleep as they usually stay up late to revise on their studies, especially when the O Level Examination nears. Even though it is a stressful period for many, having sufficient rest is equally important. One common habit that students have is that they tend to cram a lot of content within a short period before the examination, which is not a productive method to scoring well. The lack of rest and sleep can cause impaired memory and affect their ability to concentrate. So students, before you think that staying up late to revise is a good idea, think again!
4.2. O Level Chemistry Resources
Here, MindFlex has complied our top 6 resources that will be useful for you or your child to use in their preparation for the O Level Chemistry Examination:
4.2.1. Pure Chemistry Ten-Year Series
Pure Chemistry TYS is one of the commonly used material in many schools in Singapore. With all the past year papers of the O Level Chemistry compiled into one book, we feel that it is one of the most helpful book students have used in their practices. By completing this book, it is guaranteed that students will feel much more confident and prepared of the O Level Chemistry Examination
O Level Pure Chemistry Ten-Year Series
4.2.2. Combined Chemistry Ten-Year Series
Similarly, students who are taking Combined O Level Chemistry should use this TYS in their revision. In it there is a series of past year papers that students can try out. Students can review the answers and questions in the TYS and test their level of understanding. Answer sheets are also provided which is useful for students to refer to and seek out important terminologies that is included in the answers where they can also learn from and apply in future questions.
O Level Combined Chemistry Ten-Year Series
4.2.3. O Level Chemistry Topical Revision Notes
If students are looking for a summarised notes for them to refer to, O Level Chemistry Topical Revision Notes is one of go-to revision notes that we recommend. This book is written in accordance to the latest syllabus issued by the MOE and NIE Trained Teachers with years of experience . In the revision notes, you will have a summarised version of the important points and concepts for each Chemistry topic. Definitions, formulas, relevant work examples, and many other important information are included in this small book. If you are looking to have a crash course on Chemistry, this book will definitely do the job!
O Level Chemistry Topical Revision Notes
4.2.4. FREE O Level Chemistry Papers
If you are looking for a method that requires not spending any money, here at MindFlex, we have provided you a link to a list of free O Level Chemistry Exam Papers for both Pure and Combined that you can download and attempt them during your revision.
Download the O Level Pure Chemistry and Combined Chemistry papers here.
4.2.5. O Level Chemistry Tuition
Another approach that students can take would be to engage in an O Level Chemistry Tuition. If students find themselves struggling in Chemistry, perhaps it is time for them to find an additional helping hand. Engaging in a O Level Chemistry Tuition will help to level up student’s skills and knowledge and prepare them well for the examination.
4.2.6. MindFlex O Level Chemsitry Home Tutor
If tuition centres does not suit your or your child’s learning requirements, fret not, here at MindFlex we have many experienced O Level Chemistry Tutors that are prepared to be there for you or your child during the O Level! With 1-to-1 lessons with out tutors, students would be able to have their 101% attention as well as clarify their doubts anytime, without feeling scared of any judgements.
5. Conclusion
O Level Chemistry to students may seem like a complicated subject that is hard to score. However, scoring well in Chemistry is not an impossible task as long as students work hard! Taking note of the tips and strategies that students can use in their studying habits will bring them one step closer to achieving good grades for their O Level Chemistry. However, the ability to score well for the O Level Chemistry Examination depends on the individual student’s ability to work hard and follow the advice given.
In MindFlex, our goal is to build confidence and self-esteem in students struggling in their academics. We believe that every student has the potential to do well as long as they receive the proper support they need. As a home tuition agency in Singapore, we understand that many parents and students require tutors who are experienced in their field, patient, and able to bring out the best in their students. As such, over at MindFlex, we have many experienced O Level Chemistry Tutors who can be additional academic support to students who require help in preparation for their O Level Examination. Our tutors are equally experienced as the ones in the tuition centre and will give their 100% in bringing their students to greater academic heights.