
Importance of Primary 2 Tuition

Primary 2 is an important year, MindFlex recommends that students should aim to do well in their studies in order to build a strong foundation as early as possible, which is the reason why many parents invest in high quality Primary 2 Tuition in Singapore. 

Furthermore, it is necessary for students to build foundational Literacy skills from an early age. Moreover, with Singaporean children being highly adept at reading literacy, it is important to remain competitive and keep up with other children.

As such, engaging Primary 2 Tuition in Singapore is thus a worthwhile investment for Primary 2 students in order to have an edge over their peers.

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How Much Does Primary 2 Tuition Cost

In Singapore, Primary 2 Tuition usually tends to be in the $100-$200 range for group lessons in tuition centres, but can even go up to $400 or more for highly-acclaimed and popular tuition centres. Similarly, for private 1-1 tuition, rates usually start from $25 per hour, but can go up to $60 or more depending on how qualified and experienced the tutor is.




MOE Teachers

























Challenges Faced While Learning English

Outline of Primary 2 Tuition

  • Ensuring A Strong Grasp of Foundational Topics
  • Gaining Confidence in Writing
  • Gaining Confidence in Reading
  • Gaining Confidence in Speaking
  • Reinforcement of Foundational Skills
  • Basic Mathematics Skills

Challenges Faced By Primary 2 Students

Inability to Clarify Doubts

At this age, many Primary 2 Students tend to face difficulties speaking up or clarifying their doubts in class. This is especially true for P2 students who happen to have a more timid or quiet temperament, and is made worse by the large class sizes in schools which can be very intimidating. They may be afraid of being laughed at by their peers, and as a result do not speak up in class.

Here at MindFlex, we believe that it is very important that students voice out their concerns and doubts as soon as possible in order to create a smoother learning process. Furthermore, doing so will train these P2 students in the skill of Effective Communication, which is a skill that needs to be trained from young.

Unable To Understand Various Words

Primary 2 is often a time whereby many students tend to encounter many different words or phrases that are unfamiliar to them in their homework or in their personal reading, in either English or their Mother Tongue. It is essential that they develop the ability to be curious about the words that they encounter, as it develops their communication skills. As a parent, it is your duty to reinforce to your child that it is a good habit to be curious about the meaning of new words.

With the help of a Top Primary 2 Tutor, students can also receive additional support in this aspect, and they can support your child as he/she navigates the world around them.

Feeling Overwhelmed By The Primary 2 Curriculum

It is common knowledge that the Primary 2 curriculum is becoming increasingly difficult and rigorous for students. Being an extremely rigorous programme, many P2 students thus experience stress, and feel overwhelmed by the curriculum at this young age.

That is why we recommend that you engage a Top P2 Tutor as soon as possible, in order to lend a helping hand to your child as they take on this arduous journey. Your child will be more confident and assured, knowing that they have an extra pillar of support that they can rely on in their Primary 2 journey.

Leap in Syllabus

A huge challenge faced by many Primary 2 students is the leap in syllabus from Primary 1 to Primary 2. This is likely to cause immense stress and anxiety, as Primary 2 students struggle to keep up with their new Primary 2 syllabus.

As such, students will thus require a lot of adjustment and time in order to assimilate into their new lifestyles in Primary 2. However, this transition can be made smoother through engaging a Committed and Experienced Primary 2 Tutor. With the guidance from the Primary 2 Tutor, students will receive additional support in the form of extra materials, tips and guidance, which will make their lives much easier.

Why You Should Engage A Primary 2 Tutor

Benefits of Hiring Primary School Tuition

1. Help Students Clarify Doubts

At the Primary 2 level, students might not be well-adjusted to the competitive Primary School environment as well as the teaching methods of their Primary 2 school teachers. As such, students might not be willing to clarify any doubts with their teachers. Instead, many students may let their doubts pile up without clearing them.

However, with the help of a dedicated P2 Tutor, they will provide 100% attention and guidance to students. Students will be able to clarify their doubts or misconceptions in a private 1-1 setting.

2. Provision of Additional Revision Resources

Oftentimes, it can be rather difficult for students or parents to source for Primary 2 revision resources on their own. These resources could include revision summary notes and additional practice papers, and are absolutely crucial to consolidate students’ learning.

With the help of a Top P2 Tutor, students will be provided with additional resources such as past-year practice papers and summary sheets in order to aid in their learning process, as well as supplement the materials that they are provided with in school.

3. Gradually Ease Students into P2 Syllabus

The Primary 2 syllabus is vastly different from that of the P1 Syllabus. This could potentially come as a shock for Primary 2 students when they first enter their new environment. The fast-paced environment in Primary School will have to be something that Primary 2 students still have to take time to adjust to.

With the help of MindFlex’s Top Primary 2 Tutors, students will be able to have an easier time assimilating into the Primary 2 culture and syllabus, as the Tutor will be available to provide dedicated guidance and help whenever the student runs into difficulties. The Primary 2 Tutor will also provide students with curated assignments and in-class practice questions in order to ease them into the syllabus.

4. Make Full Use of After-School Time

In Singapore, students typically have extremely packed timetables due to their external commitments, family matters as well as the numerous enrichment lessons that their parents may enrol them in. As such, students may be too drained and exhausted to focus properly on their schoolwork and revision after their curriculum hours.

That is why MindFlex recommends engaging a Top P2 Tutor to help your child make proper use of their after-school hours. The extra lessons every week will definitely be spent fruitfully clarifying doubts and revising content.

What To Look For in A Primary 2 Tutor

Academic and Teaching Qualifications

When engaging a Primary 2 Tutor, it is important to select one that has decent academic and teaching qualifications. For example, it might be better to pick a tutor that has graduated from a related course and has taught for a minimum of 1 year. If you are looking for a more experienced tutor to guide your child, you might also want to look out for tutors who have taught in MOE schools.

Such qualifications are crucial in ensuring that the tutor is qualified enough to teach your child, especially at Primary 2 level when building a strong foundation is of utmost importance.


Moreover, it is important to select a Primary 2 Tutor that is highly committed, both to teaching and to your child’s schedule. When you engage a committed tutor, you can be more assured of their dedication to teaching your child and ensuring that your child does well in their Primary 2 examination.

Furthermore, if you are intending to engage the Tutor on a long-term basis, it will be beneficial to check with them to see if they are willing to follow up teaching the student as they progress in school, up till the PSLE.

Ability To Provide Additional Resources

At Primary 2 level, it is probably difficult to find reliable and recent resources for your child. Hence, by choosing a Primary 2 Tutor that is able to provide additional resources, you can save time on hunting for resources and leave it to your child’s Primary 2 Tutor!

The ability to provide additional resources also means that the tutor has spent time and effort curating these resources – which is also a marker of their commitment and dedication. Hence, when searching for a Primary 2 Tutor, it would be great to look out for tutors who are able to provide their own self-collated resources.

Patience in Teaching

It is common knowledge that teaching Primary 2 students is a highly difficult and demanding task, as tutors have to struggle to get their attention as well as to get them to listen and pay attention. Hence, it is important to engage a Primary 2 Tutor that is patient enough.

Of course, this might be difficult to judge or determine at first glance. As such, it might be useful to request for a trial lesson, and through the trial lesson, you may then sit in and observe how the Primary 2 Tutor handles the child during the entirety of the lesson.

Testimonials from P2 Students

Jing Ting has been responding so well to the lessons! Her tutor always ensures that she is well-prepared for the weekly lessons, and even provides her own lesson materials. I am so glad that we have such a wonderful tutor!

Margaret Ong (Parent of Ong Jing Ting)
P2 Student from Mee Toh School

MindFlex was recommended to me by a friend, and I decided to give it a try. The tutor we were assigned was professional and focused, and Jodie is now much more confident in her school lessons too!

Justin Lee (Parent of  Jodie Lee)
P2 Student from Zhonghua Pri

My daughter’s tutor, Mrs Gwan, has worked wonders. She is able to make Samantha pay attention during all of the lessons through many different games and tactics. Samantha has improved so much in her schoolwork.

Amanda (Parent of Samantha)
P2 Student from Compassvale Pri

Janice has always hated school, and simply could not adjust to the P2 work. The tutor that we got is kind and patient, and has lots of experience working with children of the similar age group. Thank you so much MindFlex!

Nathaniel Lau (Parent of Janice Lau)
P3 Student from CHIJ (Kellock)

Primary 2 Video Resources

MindFlex Is The Best Primary School Home Tuition Agency in Singapore

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Affordable Tuition Rates

Home Tuition Rates Singapore 2024



MOE Teachers





Primary 1-4




Primary 5-6




Sec 1-2




Sec 3-5












IGCSE / International




Poly / Uni









Our home tuition rates are constantly updated based on rates quoted by Home Tutors in Singapore. These market rates are based on the volume of 10,000+ monthly tuition assignment applications over a pool of 30,000+ active home tutors.