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Secondary School Education – Coping With Demands, Hiring A Home Tutor
The well-being of their child is something every parent is constantly worried about, especially so if your child is a growing teenager. Transiting from Primary to Secondary School, and tackling the National O and N Level Exams is no easy feat. A sudden increase in workload, activities and responsibility can leave many students struggling to cope with the demands that life in Secondary School entails. With the increase in school activities, Secondary School students now have to face time management issues, where they have to juggle CCA commitments, supplementary lessons in school, as well as enrichment activities arranged by their parents. On the main academic front, there is a steep increase in the number of subjects, from a just mere 4 in Primary School, to double the number 8, or even more in Secondary School. Besides coping with their academics, students also have to deal with biological changes as puberty kicks in during their teen years. For the first time ever, teenage students also have to make an important study choice at the beginning of Secondary 3, whereby they have to choose which subjects they would like as their examinable subjects. It is hence no surprise that many teenagers will start to struggle academically under this immense pressure. As such, many parents in Singapore turn towards hiring a Secondary School N/O Level Tutor to provide the necessary academic assistance in the most efficient way possible. This article would like to bring you some key points on why getting Secondary School Tuition could be a great decision for both parents and students in this journey.
1. Handling Challenging Subjects
A main challenge which Secondary Students face is the big jump in both the number of subjects, and the amount of content within each subject as compared to Primary School. Each subject becomes more complex as they are required to understand more theories and concepts. Students might feel a sudden increase in stress due to this factor, as the breadths and depths of the new subjects might not be what they expected it to be. Hence, many students are unable to understand and process everything which is covered in school, making it easy to be left behind. In Primary school, 4 main subjects are covered – English, Maths, Science and Mother Tongue. Suddenly at the turning of the teens after PSLE, they are expected to cover twice the number of subjects now, with the addition of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Additional Maths, Elementary Maths, Geography, History, Literature, Drama, Art, and even Music, Home Economics, Design and Technology for some.
Hiring a Secondary Home Tutor could be a key step in tackling this change. On the onset, one could be quick to say “isn’t tuition just going to add on to the stress of the student?”. In fact, we would like to strongly mention that it is often the contrary. Engaging a home tutor could instead relieve the student of pressure and stress, and here are the following reasons why. Firstly, students are able to bask in the assurance that they are able to seek immediate help, on a regular basis from their home tutor about concepts or topics they are unclear about in school. Secondly, home tuition better prepares students for exams; with better preparation comes better results, and better results can lead to greater confidence and well-being for a Secondary School Student. Thirdly, hiring a Secondary Home Tutor will make the student more proficient in completing academic tasks such as homework as well as help them conduct effective revision. This frees up a lot more time for students which can be then used to pursue leisure activities and interests. Most importantly, the immediate help factor that a Secondary Home Tutor is able to provide, prevents the snow-balling of unsettled concepts, which may be too late to reverse when help is sought too close to the examinations.
2. Dealing with Large Memorisation Work
One of the key challenges which Secondary School Students face is the large memorisation work that has to do with the increased content in the syllabus. More subjects, more theories and more concepts definitely means more memorisation work to be done. How then can this problem be tackled? Hiring a Secondary Home Tutor would definitely come in extra handy here. Many home tutors often have special strategies and study-tips to help students remember better, such as using acronyms, mind maps and many more. These strategies come with years of experience of tutoring, and are also result-proven strategies. Having these memory-recall techniques and strategies at their fingertips would mean that the student not only is able to recall information better in exams, but also save more time on the revision front to focus on other important aspects such as answering techniques.
3. Personalisation of Home Lessons with a Secondary Home Tutor
Undoubtedly one of the main key benefits of hiring a Home Tutor for any level, be it a Primary, Secondary or JC Home Tutor would be the ability to personalise the lessons according to the student’s learning style and academic needs. Unlike tuition centres which often follow a fixed curriculum and schedule, engaging a Private Secondary Tutor allows students and parents to discuss directly on various important factors such as weak areas, learning gaps, schedule and even rates. Overall, personal 1-to-1 home tuition provides parents and students a greater flexibility in terms of arranging home tuition lessons according to both academic and logistical needs.
Often, many Secondary Students are unable to clarify personal academics doubts with school teachers due to various reasons such as 1. Personal Insecurity in front of Peers, 2. Lack of Lesson Time in School, 3. Or simply not understanding enough to know what questions to ask the teacher. Having a personal Secondary Home Tutor solves this problem as students will be able to consult freely on their doubts and receive undivided help and attention from the tuition. Furthermore, Secondary Home Tutors are also able to prepare customized materials, or prescribe customized questions to help students build up their strength in weak areas. This is something which neither schools nor tuition centres will able to provide due to the group nature of lessons and learning style. Hence, personalisation and customisation are the key difference between the help that a student is able to receive from a Secondary Home Tutor, as compared to School or Tuition Centre Lessons.
4. Hiring An Experienced Secondary Home Tutor
Experience plays a big part in the effectiveness of hiring a Home Tutor. Here at MindFlex Home Tuition, we only recommend Secondary Home Tutors who have had prior or current experience with teaching Secondary School Students. Just scoring good grades for the exams doesn’t cut it for our tuition agency, we require all our Secondary Home Tutors to strictly have had prior or current experience towards teaching Secondary Students. We would recommend that parents take up this strict criteria too. You may ask, “Why is this experience so important?”
The famous saying goes “A Great Performer, doesn’t necessarily mean A Good Teacher”. We strongly believe that being able to score well in a subject, and being able to impart these skills to a student are 2 different ball-games. With Secondary Home Tutors who have had prior experience with teaching Secondary-Level students, they would know exactly how to identify, tackle and improve the student’s weak areas and learning gaps in the least time possible. Importantly, an experienced tutor is also often up to date with the current O & N Level syllabus, as they teach a great number of graduating students on a daily basis for past consecutive years. These tutors keep themselves abreast with the latest MOE Syllabus through the work and updates from their students in various schools, and also collate materials into a resource bank to share and exchange within their students! Aside from that, Secondary School students may also often have emotional instabilities due to the biological change in hormones, hence having an experienced tutor who is able to handle such tricky situations helps with that greatly. With that being said, an experienced tutor doesn’t necessarily mean an expensive one. Our tuition agency aims to bring the most affordable and fair rates for home tuition in Singapore.
5. The Importance of Effective Revision & Discipline
Achieving success in Major Examinations during a student’s Secondary School journey often boils down to the effort of both the student, as well as teacher. Even though a student may have hired a Good & Experienced Secondary Home Tutor, the student must also exercise due diligence to revise on his/her own to retain the concepts learnt. as well. It is a 2-way relationship at work – the tutor imparts methods and ways to conduct effective learning revision for student, while the student must fulfill his/her end by practising and retaining what has been taught. It is important to maintain this relationship for a student to do well for their major examinations. Thus, discipline is a key trait to have and develop on the student’s part too to eventually achieve academic success.
Aside from just revising, we would recommend students to consciously carry out effective revision. “How does one exercise effective revision?” a student may ask. Many established sources have proved that having a conducive learning environment, as well as having someone to test what you know, would greatly help with revision. This could also mean engaging a secondary home tutor to test students on theories as well as the concepts, nearer towards the examination periods.
6. Practicing the 10 Years Series and Past Year Papers with your Secondary Home Tutor
The importance of practising the 10 Years Series and Past Year Papers can never be understated and repeated enough for every Secondary School Student who wants to do well in his/her O or N Level Examinations. There’s a good reason why it has been popular dubbed by teachers as the must-read “bible of questions”. This book consists of the O/N Level examinations of the last 10 years, which provides the most accurate gauge and expectation on the kind of questions which appear for the final examinations itself. Every tutor and teacher will recommend their students to buy and practice this book religiously, as it reveals the questions types which are trending, and thus provides students the best practice on how to tackle them.
One of the value-added benefits of having a Secondary Home Tutor is that he/she will be able to identify question trends for students, as well as assign and mark questions from the 10 years series, hence making the best out of this important resource. Furthermore, Secondary Home Tutors also often have past-year papers from different schools available for students to practice too. This great amount of repetition and exposure to different question types is a fantastic way for students to prepare and gain confidence close to their major examinations.
Conclusion and Make Takeaways
In a nutshell, Secondary School could be one of the most challenging times of a student’s life as great change is experienced in almost all areas of their lives. Being involved and knowing how to help your child handle and cope with their stress levels would definitely be beneficial. Hiring external help such as a Secondary Home Tutor could also be the best choice parents can make to ensure that the student’s academic health is in order. A student’s performance in his/her O or N levels is often the determinant on the choices of tertiary education institutes available. Hence, the importance of doing well academically in Secondary School is definitely paramount.
Here at MindFlex Home Tuition, we pride ourselves as being a tuition agency who provides the best quality of Secondary Home Tutors available in the tuition market. We are with you, and we wish you all the best in your Secondary School journey!